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Posts posted by mistwalker

  1. Just to say a big thanks to Graeme who has raised a cracking litter of pups. I picked mine up on Sunday and he's a wee belter. He's in great condition (I know he's only 7 weeks old but we've all seen pups who haven't been treated well) and is a great wee character. He's already walking round the garden on his lead and has even started retrieving his furry toy (only a couple of times tbh). He's alert, curious and a credit to Graeme's animal husbandry. Thanks again mate

  2. Got my wee fella booked, can't wait til I come get him.

    For the record, I've spoken to Graeme several times over the last couple of weeks and, although I've never met him, he comes across as a good, genuine guy who lives for his dogs. He's been kind enough to send me several photos to allow me to pick my pup and keep me updated on his progress (yes, he's a teasing b*****d! lol)

    All the best



  3. Put this together today while I was meant to be working:


    31st of December, at last - Hogmanay!

    As 2008 slips quickly away,

    we think of our loved ones, some with us - some not

    you turn to Your God

    Give Thanks for your lot


    2009, a year starts anew

    with golden sunshine and skies of blue.

    A year of new hope? Of tears or laughter?

    Of starting afresh and joy ever after?


    What challenges to come?

    What sadness? What fun?

    A new love, we wonder?

    Or an old one grows stronger?


    So a new years wish

    to yours from mine

    For Peace, Love and Happiness

    till the end of all time.



    Happy 2009 and beyond.





  4. Used to work for a LR dealer, they do go to Brightwells as has been said, but most of the main manufacturers hold auctions that are for the trade (main dealers) only. Usually they are ex-fleet or management motors, just stay away from the silver ones... think I'm kidding? They also auction off vehicles that have been used at the LR Experience centres - all their vehicles are silver.


    This is where they teach staff and customers how to off-road properly, I'll let you imagine the kinda abuse they get

    We bought one a couple o years ago which was ex-LRE and by chr1st! what a mess underneath, some bloody bargain! Cost a small fortune to fix for sale.

    Also, as has been mentioned, they do have lots of problems, wiring looms, air suspension collapsing etc. It's nice having all the gadgets, when they work, but the more there are, the more there is to go wrong.

  5. glad you went and looked big guy and hope this bitch does you proud mate :victory::victory:

    Seriously wee man, she's a right wee grafter, nose down, eyes onto everything, seems well up for it - I really reckon she's gonna do well. A few weeks o fitness work and we'll get her up the woods for a run :ninja:;) should do well up there wi the big yin. btw I got your photo ready for you . Gie's a buzz

  6. After being let down TWICE by Mr Hancock (first litter I had a pup booked from died within two days of being born, second out of Kubla Khan there was only one pup born. Now I know it's nature and all that but gut instinct tells me when this happens within a couple of weeks and the dogs normally turn out good litters, something could be up) and on the hunt for a hunting partner for the deerhound x, something a bit smaller, tighter on the turns which can also bush and push 'things' :rolleyes::ninja: out to the big dog, I make a few calls asking folks to keep there eyes and ears peeled

    Anyway, Polecat phones - it turns out that Luke knows of a whippet/ grey 1st x that's up for grabs FOC. So I pops along this morning with Frost for a wee look and it was love at first sight! An absolute belter! Well, says I, if Frost ain't sure, I bloody am and home she goes with yer uncle Misty. Now, normally I wouldnt entertain an adult dog but she just caught me as soon as I saw her.

    We took the dogs for a walk and let her off the lead to see what she was like. She hunted up well, pushed a bunny out of some bushes, nearly caught a cock pheasant as it took off and even got on well with the deerhound x (honestly, they're like feckin little and large. lol) She walks at heel without a lead, recalls well, seems to love jumping and is as keen as I've seen for a while.

    The fella admitted she's not been worked much for a while so needs her fitness sorted out - no major hassles there then - and as we know two other local lads with litter sisters who are really doing the business, I have some high hopes for her.

    So, a big thanks to Polecat and Luke for putting us onto her and without further ado, please allow me to introduce you to the newest member of the Misty household - Titch:




    I know the pics are crap but I only had the camera phone with me, needless to say you'll see some belters over the coming days, weeks and months as I see how she progresses.

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