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Posts posted by christine88

  1. yea she is all wormed and been checked out by a vet, ill try the beta grey hound, i currently using the standard beta food which i use for my pointer. Are running dogs generly picky eaters? i have only kept gundog breads before and never encountered this before





    i only have 1 running dog, but 4 other dogs and everyone of them are picky i think it all depends on the dog

  2. I have recently taken on a 13 month old bitch, said to be whippet collie/ grey whipet saluki. she is what i would say is quite under weight and i am really struggling to get her to eat a great deal. i was wandering if any one had any advice as to a good way of putting a bit of weight on to her and any advice on what diet you feed your lurchers.





    I am all for the raw meat diet, i am pretty much its greatest fan lol, A good friend of mine introduced us to it after our dogs kept refusing to eat and have never looked back sinse.

  3. noticed a lot of youngsters seem to walk about with their dogs off the lead near busy roads admit i used to do this myself till had a fatal accident with a lurcher that i thought was bomb proof at heel i was walking down street and as i neared corner of a street next to road man came running round corner nearly ran into dog but dog jumped back to avoid him straight in front of a car ill never forget the sight of my pal as he came out from front of car to path with his front leg hanging on by sliver of skin and lumps out of him all over probably haunt me for the rest of my life as there was only one person to blame for his death ME if he had been on leader it would never have happened now i never take that chance. interested to see how many people walk their dogs without lead



    i live in a big town where the roads are ALWAYS busy and the drivers arent exactly careful, i see lots of dogs off the lead next to the road, far too many times. and sadly have also witnessed a dog being run over due to no lead, luckily not one of my own but it was a hirrible thing to watch as we were in the car that had to swerve to miss him, sadly someone else couldnt swerve. i would never ever ever consider it, dont get me wrong my little ones dont ever really go on leads but near busy roads they get picked up, and my bigger ones well lets just say it hasnt ever happened and never will i might trust my dog its everyone else i dont.

  4. irelandferretkits445.jpg


    get sall to edit the photo to make it a tad clearer, she'll do a nice job on it


    talk soon hun, will ring later


    lurcher lass x x x




    thank u very much, will do, is such a funny photo she looks like a goon lmao! Trying to get a nice picture of that dog is like trying to stick a person to the ceiling with blue tac!!

  5. i know these are not the type of ears you mean but as we're on the subject of ears, i thought you'd fancy a giggle


    my pup with random ears -look at the state of em!! :o





    and random puppy pic





    bless the zoe, hasnt she gotten big, whilest i have u have u got that piccy of trinity that u toke down mine?

  6. Hey thought i would post up a piccy of my doggy. BBBIIIIIGGGGG EEEEAAAAARRRSSSS is the least i can say, u dont see dog, u just see ears. She is 1/4 whippet 1/2 bull and 1/4 kelpie.


    sure i know this dog from somewhere :hmm:




    lol nope not a clue. But come on look at the bloody size of them!! theyre like sattelite dishes!



  7. I thinking to buy a Bull X Wippet, can someone help me? Pics? Breeders? ect,ect


    Thanks Decoy!



    I have a 1/2 bull 1/4 whippet 1/4 kelpie, shes a good dog. Bit of an accident ending up with her but wouldnt change her for the world. Only fault i find in her is that she is a tad slow, an a little too smart, take out the kelpie should make a good dog. Although i have heard crossing the grey to the bull make better dogs.


  8. Some people are f*cking unbelievable, i hope she gets better and good luck with her. She does look like she has given birth very recently, let us know what the vet says and she looks like she still has alot of milk watch out for mastitis.


    All the best with her, she does look a lovely girl.

  9. I took my sisters 11 week old dalmation puppy and spider my 1 year old beddyXwhippet down to the local water meadows today. The meadows consist of about 500acres of open pasture with the river running through the middle, very pretty and extremely popular with dog walkers. I use it mainly to socialise puppies, as it is always full of dogs and a great experience for pups.


    So we'd been there about an hour, and had met about 30/40 different dogs. . . . . . my lurcher had met 2 greyhounds which wore him out, and the dalmation pup was starting to get really confident with the variety of dogs. I'd got chatting to a guy with a couple of spaniels and there was 8 dogs playing together at this point. Suddenly from no where a horrid little tan chihuahua with quite long legs came flying over, straight up to the group of dogs.


    It instantly started attacking anything it could, with real agression, no messing it wanted blood!! The dogs all scattered and all hell broke loose, owners running to grab dogs, dogs running around with this bloody chihuahua hanging off them . . . . it grabbed hold of Spiders front shoulder and was trying to shake him, back legs of the ground . . . . .Spider is such a docile dog and has never shown any signs of aggression at all. He looked terified and jumped to get out the way, the chihuahua let go then went for the dalmation puppy, before turning and running back to get spider . . . . :icon_eek:


    It really was chaos, no sign of an owner around and the thing was manic, it was flying at spider and then the funniest thing i have seen for a long time! Spider looked at me in panic, looked at the approaching chihuahua and as it jumped for his neck, he just nailed it as if it were a rabbit! No aggression, he is very soft mouthed with rabbits, and literally picked this snarling little shit of a dog up and retrieved it to me!!! :clapper:


    It was hysterical he was holding it across it's back/shoulders, so it was unable to turn and bite him, it's little legs were dangling out of each corner of his mouth!! It was brilliant !


    All the other owners were cracking up. He brought it up to me and just held it looking at me. . . . i didn't take it off him because it was seriously angry and i knew it would kick the shit out of him! At that point this stupid women arrived . . . . going crazy, "your dog is killing my baby" stop him stop him!!


    I calmly explained that her "baby" had attacked 5 of the dogs there including a puppy, and that actually all my lurcher was doing was restraining it! i got Spider to drop the chihuahua and the lady scooped it up and left in rage of abusive comments! :censored:


    So so funny! Some of the owners down there were telling me that it happens every day and the dog is savage, apparently lots of them have complained to the local police and country park rangers about he "savage chihuahua " . . . . . . i may take my dog aggressive JRT down there tomorrow to "MEET" it! :tongue4: :thumbs:



    well done to you and your dog, i personally would have just killed it if i were the other dogs lol nasty little fuckers those chihuaha's, shows how much restraint your dogs has well done on his training. Some people just have no respect for anyone else, i think the dog and owner should be wearing a muzzle lol

  10. Dogs are stunning, love the collar on the black on white one :D

    the collar is made by a bloke on here who sells them on ebay and at shows


    and the terrier is an ugly bugger....4 and already has grey bits on her face from scars and lumps on the ends of her ears but i love her :D


    Ooooo i might just go have a look lol, the terrier is lovely, all adds to charecter!! lol

  11. aye theres plenty of snobs that know feck all and waste the authoorities time


    i know this may sound like a silly question but how could you have a kid when you were 3? :icon_redface:


    your house sounds like myne, full of animals



    Lol ahhh i love it, it confuses everyone, long story short they aint ours, my partners mum died nearly 5 years ago, they been living with us every sinse. I see it i wash there clothes, feed them, house them and general do everything a parent does there for they are ours. My partners goes out and works shit loads of hours so we can take care of them, and even if i do sound big headed they are still so much better behaved, polite and smarter then soo many kids i know that are the same ages!


    I couldnt have a quet house at all, i love the madness of the kids and the animals its so much fun. I do feel like a proud parent everytime we go to there parents evening or watch our girls dance shows and see our boys work [bANNED TEXT] he gets home from college (he has ADHD and has the mental ages of about 13, and yet he is still in college training to be a carpenter and has just been accepted for level 2 of his course). Our two dont roam the streets till early ours of the morning causing trouble and generally being a neuscance, they are polite and respectful. Which is why when our old neighbour accused them of swearing i nearly smacked the bitch lmao!! I couldnt though she was old lol!!


    One big happy family lol..........sometimes!


    P.S. i so sound like a miletary soldier man im not really lol

  12. just a small nerve :laugh:......but im exactly the same



    Its just soo annoying, we have moved around alot and everywhere we go we get grief coz were a young couple with teenage kids and a whole heap of animals. Now ive had they bloody R.S.P.C.A called on me, ive had the dog warden phoned, ive been reported to the council AND we had social services called, all at my last house. Everytime they came round to check out ours dogs our kids, the kennels and there food i was told i had a good set up, the dogs were very well looked after and that they were shocked someone so young could deal with everything we had going on at the time so well!! My kennels were £800 and they were huge! and i was being accused of putting them in little boxes!! If i payed £800 for a little box i was f*****g DONE! My dogs didnt even live in there kennels they were house dogs, i had the kennels there because our neighbour kept complaining the dogs were "harrasing" her!! The same woman complained that our kids swore in our back garden, now my children wouldnt dare swear and even if they did they wouldnt be stupid enough to do it where someone could hear them!!


    Now just to round up i hate to take up ur time in ranting but well i like it lol, Im 20 my partner is 23 and we have two kids, 14 and 17 (now try and work that out lmao) we own 5 dogs, 6 cats, 4 rabbits, 4 rats, a fish and a ferret and a partridge in a pear f*****g tree!! AND WE DO IT BETTER THAN MOST f*****g 40 YEAR OLDS!!!!!!!!


    And people think im hostile.......never lol

  13. I agree with mickyrichardson, ignore people who think all dogs should be obese house pets. she looks very well.. 2 crazy women (mother and daughter i think) went ballistic with me yesterday because my lab was off his lead and went to sniff there 2 cocker spaniels, tail waggin, they both picked up there dogs screamin, 1 of them crying!! saying my dogs are scared, i was gobsmacked and started to laff, i called my dog away but they were goin mental which wound all three dogs up, some people dont understand dogs at all let alone a working lurcher.. my waffle over and steam let off.. ATB :) Mick

    bloody hell thats nuts....i had a women complaining at me in the local park because my terriers and lurcher were off the lead as i was having a sit down and they were running about and had been doing so for the last two hours or so with many other dogs coming past and them playing happy as larry anyhoo through she came with her fat overwieght staffy,it lunged barking at polly (patterdale) and i just thought big mistake as she latched on to it :icon_redface:........and as the women and her badly socialised staffy walked away of what she thought was out of hearing distance she says "dogs like that should be kept on leads"....yet there are 7 dogs between my two next door neighbours which she never bothers and has worked with loads of other dogs and there has never been a problem....my dog never starts it but likes to finish it


    I get that soo much where i live, its pretty built up the kind of place only staffs live! Well i go to my local park everyday more than once a day and the people are soo damn rude! My dogs are more obidient than there bloody children and i get grief! And i love the whole thing where they will have there dog off the lead running amuck then when there dog goes for mine they have the cheeck to blame MY dog! Alot of people round here wouldnt know wat a lurcher was if it came up and bit them on the arse (which i would soo love for my dog to do to some of them!), i get the whole is ur dog ill?, do u not feed your dog? and the ever soo popular "kids dont touch it, it will bite you!!" while these f*****g uneducated fools are walking a wat can only be discribed as a disobidient, fat, mess of a perfectly good animal!


    My dogs eats better than WE do and are treated like f*****g royalty, just because i actually excersize my dog doesnt make her odd! It makes me laugh so much because as well as my lurcher i have a german shepherd, a labx, a mini daxi and a lhasa apso, now when i take my two small ones for a walk i get everyone cooing and kids just randomly stroking them when come on they could be just as viscious as ony other dogs. Now when the rest go out its like i'd brought f*****g dracula to come and kill everyone!! Which makes me laugh coz the bigger ones are ALOT more obidient than my two littl uns!! Now when i have my dogs (exspecialy the lurcher) off the lead, i have to tell them to come and lay down next to me when all they want to do is PLAY! Its sad!


    Damned ignorant f****n people!! And they wonder why kids grow up this way!!! Not that this subject hit a nerve or anything lol

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