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Posts posted by osimons89

  1. hi guys


    ive been offerd a sprocker pup but the ownwers of the bitch have asked if i know of a vet who will d & c them! cant find any one and wonderd if any one could help me to find a vet in wiltshire?




  2. i would say stoat, weasel or hedgehog, i never belived that hedgehogs would kill poults until last year, we killed two in a pen both the size of footballs. Opend them up and they were full of bits of poult, sit up one morning with a gun, there a very underated beast, next time you see one dead just look at its teeth they dont have teeth like that for eating "slugs" good luck

  3. i had a fantastic one in my local super market just poped in to get some lunch and fags before a shoot day so in tweet, flat cap and so on. we were just walking past the meat setion when a woman with a box of burgers in one hand looked at me tuted a shook her head. so i stated with how can you eat meat but moan at me for shooting it i know whats in mine and you havent got a clue whats in those bugers. she went red and walked off.

  4. for f**k sake whats this site for just to sit back and watch you insult every person who asks a question. i was reading a post yesterday call "not happy" its still there if you want to have look. in the post there was talk of doubling up i thourght this just wasnt done after what id been told. so i was hoping if some is happy to write on another post then mayby it was done and it was just the the guys ive been out with who dont do it. i was looking for a reason why some people do it. i was just looking to learn. and as "forYea,Belgium eh!!

    Nobody can answere that question

    for you over there?" the closest guy i know to me with a digging dog is a 40min drive and hes a old country boy my french isnt that good yet

  5. crack on and try bud. i know of a chap who got a ABH conviction while he had his FAC and SGC and dint lose eather. the police belived after a few meetings that he was a safe person no other convictions and that any normal person would have lashed out in the situation he was in (we all hate antis)

  6. hi im a novice really. dont do much digging but when i have ive always been told putting two dogs in one earth is a not good. as if one dog has to back off and the other is right up behind it it the the frount dog takes a battering. im not saying its right or wrong. just would like to hear some for and againts for guys and girls that do it.

    thanks osimons89

  7. tell the meat eaters the only diffrence is that you have the balls to kill what you eat and you know exsackly whats in it and where its from. and as for the veggies if they dint damand so much veg we wouldnt have to carry out as much pest control (we all know thats crap but makes them think about the fact what they do makes no diffrence)

    i had s*it all throgh school as i used to ride and hunt and we all know only "girls and puffs" do that but they soon back down when you stand up and say fine ill sort the kit you come with me you very soon see who has the balls to pull the trigger or get on a horse.

  8. hi guys im 19 and looking in to getting a discovery need the space for dogs and kit and its no always easy to use a some one elces for shooting Ect does any one know of a incurance company that will give me insurance for under 1024 as thats the cheapest so far thanks

  9. i work like a twat in the season through the winter when all my birds are here. im not going to waste my time digging for up to 5 hours when im busy for one fox when i can shoot it i a hour. when i can dig now kill the lot and not have as many to control next year. and as the law state that you can only dig for the protection of game birds.

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