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Posts posted by satan80

  1. thanks for the brilliant posts and photos that i've really enjoyed in the last few years. I've always taken an extra interest when I've seen you've posted due to your way with words and always positive attitude, and your last post just sums both of those qualities up perfectly.


    Will miss the laughs seeing the nutcase Pom's orange backside careering off into the distance in your photos :laugh:


    All the best with whatever life holds for you now mate, and thanks again.

  2. Hello, I am new to the Lurchers and lamping and have a Lurcher that's coming on 9 months old now. He's well trained, live stock broken and good with ferrets. He did a few ferreting trips with me last winter but would like to get him on the lamp. If any one could help me out or take me out with them it would be much appreciated, thanks Oscar



    If you haven't got a lamp you can have mine mate, i live in West Leeds and only really got time to mooch with my dog during the day so i'd rather someone make use of it.


    PM me if you want it and we can sort a time for you to pick it up

    • Like 18
  3. Still a pup but for me he just has aire of menace about him.... Might just be the camera angle, might just end up a very "committed" mutt. Lol



    agreed. All in the eyes, looks like a right maniac, in a good way. Although my last pup had that same 'look' and was just pure unhinged :huh:


    Looking forward to seeing him progress mate, he'll be some animal in a years time i bet

    • Like 1

    Think you will find that Gnasher and Laing fought out the repton. ;)


    Laing liked a smoke ;)

    Kirkland never boxed for Repton i didnt know him until he came down to the Royal Oak as a pro he was 6 or 7 years older than me the first time i saw him he was sparring with Maurice Hope when Maurice was already world champion and you genuinely wouldnt of known which one was a world champion !.....he had a cockiness about him that rubbed people up the wrong way and what with the way tensions were between blacks and whites in the area at that time you didnt really mix outside of the gym,there was guys like Rod Thomas and Dabs Edun ( who is now president of Repton ) who were the most hate filled black men ive ever come across they would latch onto guys like Kirk and get them onside but Kirk loved everybody he had no badness in him at all so he got stick from us whities just because of his loyalty to Dabs..... he was a funny character though.... to watch him shadow box you would think he didnt belong in a gym as he was flat footed and had this jerky sort of style,he used to say he was born with some kind of foot defect they faced the wrong way or something :blink: but you never knew when to take him serious so most people didnt.....until you got in the ring with him then he was a serious handful i never sparred him myself as i was a heavyweight but he caused a lot of rucks simply because he was so good its just a shame he couldnt replicate it in the ring....he was a terrible trainer,well respected trainers like Earnie Fossy and Dennie Mancini point blank refused to train him he would spar with a joint behind his ear then sit and smoke it before doing his roadwork :D


    As aka brindle said though you cant have too much sympathy for him some folk have what it takes to become champions and some dont we can all say we could of done this and that.... we had a whole gym of heavyweights who could of done things but the reality is very few actually do we had guys like myself,Tommy Dempsey,Adrian Elliot,the Valentine brothers all decent heavyweights and good prospects who all f****d it up in one way or another and became either sparring partners or journeymen because we didnt have the dedication......Kirk didnt have the dedication but he had so much skill that ability alone took him further than most.......as for Honeyghan im not aware of Laing dodging him Lloyd was world champion he wouldnt of come down to domestic level at that time,besides they were both Mickey Duff fighters anyway he wouldnt of had that.


    oops bit long that i got carried away !



    great post, enjoyed reading that. Kirkland sounded like a character :laugh: but as you say boxing is one of the sports that requires absolute dedication if you've got any chance of reaching your potential, the mental capacity to live like a monk and train like a demon is an underrated quality in fighters

    • Like 1
  5. I think Boots is my favourite looking dog i've ever seen on here, always looks so powerful, awesome to see his musculature even through his coat.


    What does he weigh out of interest?


    Every time i see a pic of him i look over at my bitch and want to smack her in the chops for looking so feeble

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  6. WP_20140801_002.jpg








    Deer/grey x collie/grey, 27tts and about 25kg.


    Nearly 3 years old. Been v.slow to mature, had her on lamp couple of times last season with a mates dog+it was embarrassing, she was more interested in acting daft and playing around like a 3 month old.


    Been to Lincolnshire+Dales a fair bit in daytime and she's great to watch in full stride.


    Bit of a wimp compared to beddy whippet i had years ago, she won't even pick her way through cover never mind smashing into it.


    Very laid back and great temperament though, real easy going with people, friendly etc


    Have my doubts how she'd fair if she was worked real hard, but she's a spot on mooching companion doing bits+bobs, which i'm more than happy with

    • Like 6
  7. I had a lurcher spend 6 months on the lead: walking only, and he recovered very well, though there was considerable swelling around his knee. It didn't appear to bother him but I can't say if it would have been a problem long term as he broke his neck a year after he recovered from the cruciate injury.


    i was expecting a happier ending to the story than that :huh:


    Took her out for a short lead walk tonight and not limping, so a bit of progress.


    I was straight into your book btw as soon as i got back with her limping last week, like i always do when things go t*ts up with her.

    Was hoping to find a 'cruciate ligament miracle recovery section' but sadly not :cry:



    The group of people you walk with when we go to rodley field put there huds up an take pictures of us


    the middle aged women?? they're no bother jesus, what they gonna do with pictures anyway :laugh:


    They know mine gets worked anyway and aren't arsed, i was telling them the other day about how mine was after a roe in Fall woods the other week and come back wrecked, done her cruciate ligament i think




    Saboteurs anonymous meet every afternoon in local park with pink wellies, perms and flasks of Horlicks.


    I fit right in being a 6'4" bearded skinhead covered in tattoos.


    Tank i'd take it as a compliment, they're probably taking pictures for 'Hunting Hunks' 2016 calender

  9. Its been great seeing him back over here the new West Ham gym is a far cry from the old one at the Black Lion where he started he,s a bit too deep for me these days and a much changed character but certainly for the better.....the Eubank thing will never come off its an itch that he,s just going to have to live his life without scratching unfortunately and thats the way the fight game can leave you when its in your heart.



    that last sentence rings very true.

    I don't fight competitively anymore cause i was sick of being injured/black eyes bust nose etc and started to get worried about long term effects on my health, yet after a couple of years break and starting to train fighters instead, i find myself getting dragged into sparring wars every week, i just can't sit and watch from the outside, it's an addiction.


    I can't get the adrenaline rush anywhere else apart from being in a fight, so god knows what it's like for Benn and other top fighters who retire and never have that buzz, especially the energy+excitement of doing it in front of thousands of screaming fans

  10. My bitch has been limping badly since last week, she was chasing in the woods and came back lame on one of her back legs.


    Had her to the vets and they've confirmed they think it's a cruciate ligament injury, but have advised a couple of weeks total rest to see how she recovers.


    All the reading i've done online however says surgery is the most sensible option for a decent, relatively quick recovery.


    Just wondered if anyone's had a dog recover well from this injury without going under the knife? and if so how long did it take on rest, lead walks etc.


    Bitch in nearly 3 years old and in otherwise top health, fed raw, supplemented with seraquin, which seems to have kept other aches+pains to a minimum.


    Thanks for any advice

  11. The group of people you walk with when we go to rodley field put there huds up an take pictures of us



    the middle aged women?? they're no bother jesus, what they gonna do with pictures anyway :laugh:


    They know mine gets worked anyway and aren't arsed, i was telling them the other day about how mine was after a roe in Fall woods the other week and come back wrecked, done her cruciate ligament i think

  12. can't really believe what i watched on Saturday. Had all the lads from my boxing gym round, out of 17 of us not one predicted a Tyson win!!


    a 5-1 underdog convincingly beating the lineal and undisputed heavyweight champion, away from home. Mental.


    Sad to see loads of mainstream media shitting on the fight and Tyson's win, disgraceful, they should be celebrating a massive achievement not putting him down

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