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Posts posted by sewin

  1. iv got a sealyham bitch shell be about 4 now got her from bishop auckland shes got a walled eye sadly she hasnt seen many foxes not her fault but mine as i dont get to do much digging more lamping last year though i nearly lost her we went checking earths ( the foxes had been taking game birds) when we had that heavy snow checked a few spots nothing at home or so we thought we had her and a mates young fell i held back whilst my mate checked with his young dog it didnt mark the useless bugger and at this time it knew what to do it had seen digs all season so i let mine off walking up the field shed dissapeared cut a long story short she didnt have a collar on we didnt know she was to groud just thought she come back after a while so we ended up digging two foxes with the fell out of one of the earths wed just checked buy this time she still hadnt come back and she wasnt there when we broke through so i went home got changed went back with my brother he found he near another earth that wed previously check with the fell :censored: caked in mud. needless to say my mate hasnt got the fell terrier any more.

    marky is your sealyham throw a dog called JACK my mate had him and he had a walleye and he was from merton way so he cud be the same line as yours..

    a mate has just bred a litter of sealyham x.Parson russel ,the parsons from the west wales mink hounds,pups available in 3 weeks.

  2. hi im after buying a new or used hunting lamp iv been looking at the lightfource striker but it would have to be battery powered would i have to rewire it if i bought one? and what battery would you advise getting? i dont realy wont to spend loads of money.

    thanks andy

    Just picked up lithium 12v 10amp battery and 140 lance for 200pound from haylett grange shootingsupplies.light enough to run with and good for the small fields with that 140 lamp

  3. iv caught a few big bass over the 10lb markin a spot only me and some family members know.

    the week before last it was the brothers turn to catch one that just scrope into double figures at bang on 10lb.

    think ye will all agree a fine specimen especially caught from a rocky shore line.

    fish was caught on a floating yazuru plug.



    good fish , any chance of a pic of the lure as i have never heard of it hope you get many more !!!! :clapper::clapper::clapper:

    Good size bass.even better catching it on a plug!

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