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Posts posted by 01mt02

  1. the same happend to me about christmas time, i was coming back down the street where i live after a nice walk with my 4 month old whippet when the c*nt at the top of the road let her 2 dogs out of the front door with no leads on, (japanise akita size mongreals) (mabe to get in the car i dont realy no why) the next thing i knew my whippet was in ones mouth and the other one trying too get to it. So then i proceded to have the FINEST WORKOUT on the two dogs until i was out of breath as they wouldnt stop and the owner would not get in and help me! When they decided that a steel toe-caped boot was not the best thing to have wrapped around their bottom jaw and retreted back to the relative safety of their owner i then had another workout on the BIT*H owner and then i told her the next time this happend she would be needing the aid of a good shoval to dig i nice deep hole in the back garden for both her dogs. I would say a job well done as she now comes out with them on a lead and walkes them elsewere. Blue my whippet only came away with a few scratces and a limp witch lasted for an hour or two.


    PS; they also have attacked a friend walking down the pavement.

    Cheers 01mt02


    i would also like to here your oppinion on my approach.

  2. ok if you were given a choice of having a pure desert bred saluki



    from what region would you get your saluki



    saudi uae deserts, isralie nagrev or sinei, or kurdish iranian.and why?



    I think possibly Saudi UAE, there is a saluki centre there, plus their is more money in Saudi, those filthy rich arabs will have the best for running gazelle and desert hares, the only people to have better may be tribesmen who have had the same lines for donkeys years, just watched a documentry on saluki's by National Geographic (it's been on sky before), atvb Richard


    do you no what the know what the program was called mate



    cheers mate





    It's called 'hunting hounds of arabia' atvb Richard

  3. ok if you were given a choice of having a pure desert bred saluki



    from what region would you get your saluki



    saudi uae deserts, isralie nagrev or sinei, or kurdish iranian.and why?



    I think possibly Saudi UAE, there is a saluki centre there, plus their is more money in Saudi, those filthy rich arabs will have the best for running gazelle and desert hares, the only people to have better may be tribesmen who have had the same lines for donkeys years, just watched a documentry on saluki's by National Geographic (it's been on sky before), atvb Richard


    do you no what the know what the program was called mate





    where do i start then, well i was once out with a two of my mates and there dad on a very posh shoot ie; £3,200 a day (i will not name it for certain reasons) doing a few pheasants there was two shooters and two baggers. we had only been out for about two or so hours and allready got about 60/70 birds when we heard '' i'll fuc*ing have all you c*nts '' and then within about 3 seconds BANG SMASH BANG SMASH, he was fireing his rifle at us you could tell because the branches in front was smashing off the trees and not above us, we then ran between the hours of 12 and 4 in the morning trying to loose them as home was only about 2 miles away from the wood but we didnt want him to now where we had come from all in all we must have done about 15 or 20 miles in a big circle. then just as we was about a mile from home the police helicopter came over us with the big light on for about 3/4 minites but then dissapeared as we had diched the guns and pheasants. i was absolutley nackerd for days on end, even my mates dad said out of all the poaching sessions he has ever had (35 years worth) this one had topped them all for a memorable experience.

    we got the guns back the next day and just left the pheasnts in the wood because they where shooting that day and would have found them anyway.

    hope you enjoyed reading my first poaching experiance.



  5. .22 all the way pal never had a problem with this caliber at all i have a rapid mk1 and a titan (thats a realy old falcon fn12 for all you that dont know) and they never seem to get back up when they have a .22 pellet in there back of there head.

    cheers 01mt02


    Ps, let me no how you get on with the AA s410 as i am in the market for one.

  6. If you quit the course anyway then why let it bother you?

    Where one door closes another one always opens. If you feel you have been unfairly treated in some way, then you should take it up with the national trust, kick up a stink about it if you like the drama so much :D Personally I dont give a f**k what people think of me or what I do, if they dont like it thats up to them, I like what I do and it makes me happy thats all that matters you cant live your life to please other people ;)

    :clapper::clapper: couldnt of said it better

    totally agree mate, havnt got enough hours in the day to kick up a fuss with them, you cant reason with idiots, i dont care what people think about what i do but just feel it is an injustice that i didnt get my work placement because i hunt :angry:

    works over rated anyway :D go out for a mooch with your hound instead,ull feel better.

    well said al you have hit the nail on the head there moochin with the dogs is far better than working. Give us a bell tomorrow and we will have to go for a mooch.


  7. If some of u are aware i posted a topic sayin i was gettin a new terrier pup, went to pick it out last wk and the pup was 5 wks and i told him id collect the pup after his innocs in 3 wks..

    But i got a text this morning sayin that the pups were injected this week and all other pups were been collected friday and i can collect mine whenever it suit after that.. Now i know that pups have to isolated from other dogs after innocs and usually seperated at 8 weeks..

    Should i ask him to keep the pup till then?

    Or is it ok to take the pup and just keep him away from my own dogs?

    Any words of wisdom will do!

    Cheers in advance!



    hi mate i got my whippet from a real shi*hole at 6 weeks old with no injections and he's doin great now and that was about 9 months ago, its your call.

    01mt02 :sick: :sick: :D

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