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Posts posted by scrubworm

  1. FANTASTIC,got my calendar tonight when i came home from work.i can appreciate the effort that has gone into this project,as like a lot fo people on here i have watched this from the begining ,now the final product ,terrific.great work girls.i like november (thats my birthday month),if i have one special month ,then that has to be january.If you havent go this calendar on your wall ,your missing out .

  2. how thick am i then ,havent got sat nav but will purchase one real soon.partner and i stayed in derby and near cardiff recently,i went lamping with mally and got horribly lost on my return from his place .the next day i did see a sat nav in action ,thats it gotta have one .

  3. thanks all,cant wait until our berry season which is not far away.ive added some frozen berries in my first batch so as to add something to the xmas table but them fresh berries im sure will be great.cheers.

  4. thanks fin and fur,this all started when my woman told me that her dad (bless his soul) used to make sloe gin back home in england,so we purchased some here in australia .nice.then we went to uk and bought some sloe gin in a market in cardif,that was great but we left that behind in the next hotel we stayed in .We dont have sloes or damsons in aus so i will expierement with other fruits,not sure what recipe to follow but then thats going to be half the fun..cheers . :drink::cheers:

  5. looks like we are going to let you poms have a win ,just for a change .thats the sort of people we are . i dont even follow the tennis really ,im normally out hunting. :good: :11: :drink:

  6. weve taken advantage of duty free shopping on our return to aus from uk,4 litres of gin altogether,we love sloe gin but dont have sloes here ,can anyone help me with an alternative berry recipe so as i can present something really special for christmas this year. :drink:

  7. some of you may recall me on thl asking questions regarding the other half and i coming to uk for holidays ,and beer.shit we drank a lot of that ,you may notice a shortage there until the breweries catch up .had a fantastic time everywhere we went .the highlight of the trip for me was to go lamping ,malley , a fellow thl person had made contact with me prior to leaving australia and invited me to go out whatever night suited me .i was lucky enough to be staying one hour from him so we set a night.what a great person he turned out to be ,me a complete stranger ,he fed me ,gave me a bed and gave me a great experience shooting and later watching his bitch vixen in action.some of you may already know him as he does some brilliant photography ,the pics i seen of hunting dogs of various breeds captured in action doing just what they where bred for was excellent .THANK YOU malley for everything ,your a true friend. :good::cheers:

  8. sorry guys been home 2 days after holidays touring england ,ireland ,scotland wales ,just so many people and things to do/see when we arrived home .i was very fortunate to have had the opportunity to go out lamping and shooting with malley .i had fantastic time .twas a real pleasure to see his bitch in action .i hadnt seen a whippet in action like this before .dont want to talk her up to much but if shes up against you ,,,ihope she is the victorious one .thanks again malley your a great friend . :thumbs::thumbs::cheers:

  9. a little while ago on here someone suggested when i come to uk i purchase a best beer guide book or somthing like that .i cant find that post now.can anyone tell me what this book is called and would it be readily available when i reach uk on friday. :drinks:

  10. al ,beers always get a good response on here,i mean how could you not love the stuff.yeah stella nice but i love beer in general.not faithful to any one brand ,just a beer slut i guess.whenever a question is asked on here relating to beer some folk end up talking cider ,ive not tried this cider myself as its mostly for the girls although i think some fellas would have tried it ,a cider called dickins. just say the name ............. :11: :drinks:

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