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Posts posted by nivek65

  1. i no some people who never bring there gills out of season and have never had any trouble with them, (these people are old gamekeepers) an old gamekeeper told me it does them no harm whatsoever, and he has had ferrets for over 50yrs. so i think he is experienced enough to know :D years ago when i had ferrets i never had them taken out of season, i just let them carry on and never lost one because of this. i only ever bred them once,, i have now got back into ferreting and read all this stuff about bringing them out of season if your not going to breed them :rolleyes: , i have no intention of breeding mine as i have what i need,


    would like to no what the views of some of you guys is on the subject :hmm:

  2. how old ?

    not sure bud, got him from a rescue centre, he is a good worker, he was handed in to the rescue centre after someone found him, he does not drink a lot either, tried him on kitten milk and goats milk and he just has a lick then leaves it for a while,, he has a bottle on the cage for water, used to eat and drink well, dont know if it is old age and on his way out,

  3. i have an albino hob, he seems to be losing a bit of weight and is getting thin, i have noticed a difference in him over the last couple of weeks, he is fed on dried alpha and gets fresh chicken, and now and again a bit of liver, i can put a bowl of food in and it will last him 2 days, even fresh meat he can leave it and i end up taking it out so it does not rot in his cage, anyone got any idea why the fella is losing weight.i have even tried putting feretone on his food and it makes no difference, the 2 jill kits i have love the stuff.

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