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Posts posted by Timelord

  1. It looks good I think Timelord has one ;) atb bedrock


    I certainly do mine is the EB20 .20 caliber rare as rocking horse shit now as this caliber was discontinued shortly after this gun came out in 1999. I have a Weirauch silencer fitted on it and brought the adapter from THIS PLACE.


    You will have to contact the guy about the silencer adapters as they don't seem to be on the page, but I'm sure he could get you one or put you in the right direction. YOU MUST get the proper adapter for all th EB range if you want to put a silencer on them.


    Here's mine below....





  2. Well I've been carrying the lead acid high drain battery for too long now and thought it was time to splash the cash and get the dogs nuts :D


    As we all know if you don't keep your lead acid battery well charged and maintained then they fade away and die, well not no more. If your serious about lamping and don't want to be taking half a ton of lead acid battery about with you, and in those long dark winter nights you may need 2 or more fully charged and waiting. Look no further Deben have brought out the 12 volt 10Ah Lithium ion battery and man these things keep even the highest powered bulbs going all night and some of my buddies have done 5 nights running on just one charge!!


    Now these are pricey but they are well worth every penny, firstly they are very light (0.9kg compared to the 2.5kg equivalent Sealed Lead Acid) so you don't feel like your carrying the kitchen sink around at night. This is a real bonus for those all night trips whilst climbing all those farmers gates etc etc. Secondly it has a flat discharge curve so stays brighter for longer, thirdly these batteries have no memory effect unlike Lead acid and Ni-cad..


    These are fully protected from short circuit and over charging etc, all of these electronic goodies are inside the battery unit itself.

    Finally the unit from flat will charge up in 7-7.5 hours from the mains to give you all the lamping fun you could ever want so no need to charge from the car and get stuck in the field because your car battery has gone flat.


    Deben don't seem to do a car charger for this as yet but IMO you don't need it, as I've been testing mine and it has given me 3 nights of 5 hour lamping trips with peak performance. After all that I put it on charge and it took 3 hours to charge up to full B)


    Go figure as the Americans say :p



  3. I'd be quite happy if I never see dumb ass thread titles like: 177 or 22 wich pellet (with bad spelling ;) LOL) which gun? ermm arguing amongst the children etc etc etc. Descriptive thread titles should be the norm so that people will know completely what the thread will have in it :) this will aid the search facility here so that you can find what you want. Hmmmm which brings me back to the same old crap of the same old questions arising.


  4. Done, not that it will make any difference, these petitions never do. They are only there so we (the public) feel we have a bit of power, the f*****g politicians will do what the hell they want anyway. Im only 21 and already lost any faith i had in any government!


    I hear you on that one buddy but we've still got to try and save our sport from those bunny hugging lefties ;)

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