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Posts posted by dixyhmr


    Im not keen at headshots on fox  with the hmr personally. The rounds not penetrative enough and can splash if the shot isn’t int 100%. A wobble or the fox moves slightly and you’ve got a yelping fox running off into the distance, probably with a bad nose or jaw ….. With a centerfire you don’t have that issue.

    Chest and bib shots are fine at close range with both, although the hmr will give you an extra few yards and I’ve found stops them instantly in most cases where with the .22lr they may run on a little.
    Neither  round is a fox round so use cautiously and in certain circumstances….. when your steady and the range is appropriate. 

    As for .17 hmr vs .22lr……Two different tools that fill different roles, can’t say ones better than the other, just fill different nieches. 

    You might be better off with FAC air and 17hmr ? …. Depends on your ground etc

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  2. I’d avoid the x sight 2.

    poor quality over priced unit. I’d say the photon has much better image clarity.

    Tbh I’m surprised they’ve even started selling them with so many flaws and general poor quality. Lag is immense and hard to tell a rabbit from a mole hill at 100 yards.

    Just my experience comparing to wardy, drone, drone pro, photon, pulsar. 

    Others may disagree.......

  3. Does anyone know what tool/method to use to a accurately test the pressure on the regulator. For such a hi tech gun the reg and tank dials are very hard to gauge accurately.

    After advice from Johan at fx I’ve adjusted the hammer spring to 30 cal levels and I’ve gained an extra 40 fps but the 30 cal  reg pressure is around 140 bar and I can’t make out what mine currently is on dial !!!

    speeds I’m gettimg with 33.95 grain Jsb king heavies is now 820 fps maxed out, and many are reporting 840-870 so I’m thinking my reg pressure is set for the standard .25 jsb king 25.4 grains at 125 bar.


  4. I use an evolution, different baffle stacks for calibres . Probably not the best but definitely good quality and does job. Used a pred 8 for years then switched as it was easier to change baffles and its also lighter than pred 8 although longer but a bit lighter and also ten baffle so a tad quieter to my ear.... I wouldn’t have a hardy mod if it was given to me on a plate of ten pound notes !. Awful things. Similar noise reduction down range but at the muzzle they’re loud as hell !!. 

    At least you can get spare parts for wildcat that are reasonably priced and can fit them to different rifles quickly and easily.

    tbh I’d rather spend the money on a better scope , or a new stock / mounts etc these days. Moderators are becoming like a fashion accessory with new models brought out fairly often. I’m in the opinion these days.... if it isn’t broken then why spend money fixing it !. 

    Having a nice titanium gold plated mod might look nice to us but I’m sure a fox or deer won’t mind if your old one looks a bit dated or is a decibel quieter/ louder down range ?


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  5. The books give guidelines. If you follow the guides and do some research you can start loads to suit.

    im running 41 grains on one load and reloading manual says 39 max. The books are more like rough guidelines. 

    Barrel length etc etc etc etc 

    It can be as straight forward or as complicated as you want it to be. If your happy with a 0.5” group at 100 yards then great.  ( I’m in that crowd ) is If you want a one hole group then there’s loads of ways of improving loads but the kit and the time involved soon adds up !.

    id give it a go, no worries about batch numbers for a start, can make as many as you need ,no worries of local shop running out etc.

    just don’t smoke when your weighing the powder and all will be good ?


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