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Posts posted by whippeter94

  1. It might not be the crime of the century but a crime is still a crime. Pheasant shoot's are not just for the money, people go for a fun and sporting day out, if you were to ask most people that have shot at most games shoot's they will say it was worth every penny,so no it's not all about the money, and it wasn't an air rifle mate, it's clearly a rifle.

  2. as lamping dose not involve FERRETS, Ill move it to the relevant section, shall I :wallbash:


    it does if you're running a ferret (mine is a great catcher, his retrieving is coming on well)


    :toast::clapper: :clapper:

  3. lamping with guns isnt sport,unlike with running dogs which is somthing to behold.

    plus is good exersize for your dogs and your self and can be alot of fun!



    Both guns and dogs are sport mate both keep you fit too

  4. Go out in a dark windy night with a powerful lamp and hunt rabbits with hunting dogs, or with a rifle instead of the dogs or a shotgun( you can shoot foxes with guns but you cannot hunt them with dogs)

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