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Posts posted by wannabefalconer

  1. Im not really interested in a pup (just peruseing here for curiosity's sake) How are their temperments toward strange dogs?(dogs not raised with them) and If you feel inclined to get into it; how was this breed created? what breeds were used? Ive seen other dogs people say are aluants they dont look half as good as yours.

  2. It was a pup I found at the local humane society when I was in high school. Ill try and post some pictures on this thread when I find my digital camera. she looked about like a small fawn coloured English mastiff with a black face. People who dont know dogs often thought she was a friendly looking lab (though she was alot more muscled). When she was in peak condition I think she was a real good looking dog.

  3. Thanks everyone for their replies. Ive been camping so I havnt been on here for a while. The land in alberta is really varied not like New Hampshire's woods at all(if that's what you were refering to as NH), I would be hunting mostly foothills, wide open with occasional aspen woodlands. The hares in Alberta are not considered a game species and there are no regulations on the harvest or the methods you choose to use as far as I know (Im still looking into this). I am well aware of the farmers attitudes towards dogs here as well, Ive found most are pretty suportive of hunting as long as a certain respect in shown to land owners. My grandfather is a farmer in southern alberta and he would be pretty pissed off if his neighbor shot at anything on his property without permision, and most would agree thats just rude, so im not too concerned about my dog getting shot (unless its by deer hunters, generally they dont like dogs disturbing their game, and they've already got permission).

    Hey, dog paddle that might actually be a decent idea. It wouldnt be my first choice, but if I was to aquire a second dog for company with the first I would seriously consider it. I cant do the coyote hounds, I mentioned that I live in Calgary, and the city is no place for them, I would have to be constantly vigilant for the safty of other dogs and that temperment is something Im tired of dealing with from my last dog.

  4. Hi every one I just want to introduce myself, Im in Alberta Canada. Ive been watching your forum for a little while now. Im not sure if a foreigner's welcome here, but it seems there is few in the alberta hunting forums that can offer me advice on coursing hare (the hunters on the local forum use pointer dogs). Id like to course the snowshoe hares. Im thinking a border collie whippet? My needs are thus: Short hair so my wife will let it in the house. its too cold here for anything besides a husky to live out doors all year (at least thats what the city bylaws say :thumbdown: ). I live in calgary and my yard isnt very big so Id like a medium sized dog. Is this breeding going to be able to catch hares? any precautions on running a short haired dog in freezing tempratures is appreciated as well. also Ive never trained a running dog; my last dog was a pitbull x st. bernard that was really difficult to stockbreak, am I getting in over my head?

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