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Posts posted by dazc

  1. tbh i wish i had another dog to bring on,just done it with a dog that i got , when he turned up with the lads they were drinking and smoking weed.they wonted 150 for the dog but it was a mess so i throw 30 quid on floor and took dog off them, feed watered him and cleaned him up took about 3 months to sort him out , took him for a run and straight away problem he wasnt able to run, boneman said he got 3 nackerd legs, resting , now ok did his stuff on runs , gamefairs did really well coming second and even got 1st in a 64 dog simulater, but took him out 1 night and he wasnt running like he can so yesterday took him to boneman, bad news said the njury he had when i first got him has come back but now its done something to his knee, 8 weeks then he got to go back, but might not be able to work again, wish that i only had to train a dog on lamp, or ye and thats my first lurcher i have had , a bad start but well worth it to see him look better and feel better, but really upset now, i had him now about 11 months he was a fast dog and a fantastic dog to have just hope i can sort him out and not have to retire him ,,

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  2. Hi I've got an 3/8 bull 5/8 grey bitch , just come out of season but for some reason she has stopped eating and lost loads of weight, and just looks like she has no energy, green puss coming out of her behind , just wondering if Any 1 has had this happen to there bitch ? She been to vets and they say she looks great but i no my bitch and she ant ok

  3. yes most ov them do. but id rather give him raw tbh. and this is the same dry scruffy coat. black downhis spine but the rest is like a mucky brown lol and thats gd to hear that you sorted him out .but i dont like to walk him throw the day just the fact people i dont no will b thinking. does he feed his dog, but i will sort him out for sure crnt wait for him to feel gd in him self

  4. hi skycat ..well i think the same i dont think it has been out ov the penn.defo no exercise he is just skin and dones no muscle at all. right i wont mate ill keep him on the lead and wnt let him run about ( even tho he dont ) but ill defo keep him on the lead and keep the walking to just a little bit. well yes we do like to see them having fun , but if u say it will do more damage then good then i wont .at the min he is having a compleate dog food chicken,rice,veg.. crude protein 22.0% fat content 10.0% inorganic matter 11.05% crude fibre 4.0%....but ill stop feeding him that and put him on raw diet.so if i feed him on chicken carcases ,tripe, and mince beef ,would thatbe better for him ? what about lamb iv been told to feed him lamb aswell. thanks alot for all the help and information you have gave me cheers pal :thumbs:

  5. hi just wondering what to do with the dog i just got..only about 6 mths old, suppost to be a sal bull wip, it is realy skinny and looks un healthy,been walking it with other dogs off lead but the dog wont leave my side at all..ill put a pic on to show you and seen if i am just worrying too much .. cheers all the help will be good


  6. i have just got a dog he said it was about 6 months old,suppost to be a sal,bull wip. and i have never seen a skinnier dog in my life.so what worming tablets should i get and best food for the pup.also took it for a walk with my mates dogs and off the lead it will not run with the dogs just walkes at side of me, is this cause the dog hasnt got any confedeince ?

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