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Jack Jones

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Posts posted by Jack Jones

  1. the point is...........there is nothing wrong, or ileagal with a photo of dead quarry ( trophy shot)


    but........the tuning information that bbs make available is open to everyone....including people without FAC's........how can this be justified?????.......and ultimately this will be the demise of airgun shooting......hunting and target !!!!!



    we know its not illegal, but thats not the same as being against the rules is it.


    posting about how to increase the power of your gun on the bbs is against rules as it is on here.


    anyway theres no point arguing about it im right and your wrong.


  2. because this is a good reason to get banned


    You have been banned for the following reason:

    Obviously prefers the Hunting Life forum.


    Date the ban will be lifted: Never


    4 th time now . it's over , done and dusted , oh and for the record i think it is funny




    thats true though isnt it? :unsure:

  3. [quote name='donnyc' date='Aug 12 2008, 05:04 PM' post='621692'

    Well as your a fan what about the Time fat baz got on the pop one night and banned about 30 people?? whats that about then??..Comes on the next day and said OH I didnt know what I was doing :thumbdown:


    i dont recall that so i cant comment.


    youve all got axes to grind with each of the mods on there. i expect youre all previously banned members who broke rules at one point so dont know why youre all bitching about it.


    brake rules get punished. thats life.

  4. but your god is childish enough to give a ban like this :


    You have been banned for the following reason:

    Obviously prefers the Hunting Life forum.


    Date the ban will be lifted: Never



    it's over now , bbs sponsors must be aware of what has happened and we have gained a few more real world hunters that are not too scared to stand up for what they believe in .

    be lucky in the tin can / paper punching for 2008


    hang on how do you know it was him theres other mods on the bbs who wouldve banned you for causing trouble not just terry. it might have been any of them. to be honest i dont think they would miss a few members theres loads on there already. any forum wont be sad to see the trolls go.

  5. i'm not trying to 'win' anything bigredbusa. i already said it doesn't matter didnt i?

    i just dont understand why you and the others are moaning about being banned when you deliberately went onto the bbs to cause trouble.


    if i came on here just to cause trouble i would expect to get banned too.

    there only forums. its not real life. :tongue2:

    BUT it is FAT BAZS life .his missus pi55ed off from him as she found her meat and veg elsewhere same as ATHEO only his came back with a present for him..LOL.


    thats there concerns and nothing to do with me.

  6. Your attempts at justification are getting more & more laughable, best just to stick with the whinge of "its the rules" ;)


    its not my forum and its not my rules but while i'm on any forum ill try not to get banned by deliberately breaking the rules.


    i'm not stupid enough to not see that both forums are beneficial to me.

  7. Most folk these days thinks that meat comes out of a factory covered in cling film, and animals should only be there to look at & pet.



    i agree 100%. but the hunters among us already know where our food comes from dont we. we dont all need to be constantly reminded of it.


    i have lots of hunting pictures and i dont get upset with seeing them but if a forum owner doesnt want them on his forum then that has to be game over doesnt it.

  8. i'm not trying to 'win' anything bigredbusa. i already said it doesn't matter didnt i?

    i just dont understand why you and the others are moaning about being banned when you deliberately went onto the bbs to cause trouble.


    if i came on here just to cause trouble i would expect to get banned too.

    there only forums. its not real life. :tongue2:

  9. one dead rabitt looks like another to me. i dont feel i have to prove im a hunter by showing all the other hunters what a dead rabitt look like im sure theyve all seen one before


    Not really the point, is it? It's just nice to have a picture with a write up. If your not going to share your hunting experiences, what's the point of coming on a hunting website? That's what makes this site, it's great to read about other people getting out & doing a bit, it would get to be a bit boring if this site was nothing more that a glorified Q&A, with questions like, 'What do you think of this gun?' or 'What pellets should I use?'


    you misunderstanded what i was saying. i was trying to say that sometimes a picture is meaningless if the reader is already well aware what a dead rabitt looks like. if it was a picture of a record carp then it does mean something, but just another dead rabitt or squirrell means nothing. picture used to be allowed on there butmembers abused it by posting pictures of mounds of guts. what does that proove?


    anyway it doesnt matter because youve all made your minds up about it. btw terry is not a veggie. when did you dream that up?

  10. i read articles and threads with pictures of dead stuff in them. it doesnt bother me at all. in fact i have lots of my own pictures of them. i just dont think showing them always adds anything to the story.


    at the end of the day jsr pay for the site so if jsr dont want dead pics on there then theres no argument.

  11. iv been following this thread and would like too say that iv met terry doe a few times and hes not a vegiterian at all. i also read on this thread that some ppl were posting on the bbs just to cause prolbems for the bbs mods. now your all upset coz you are banned.


    i dont understand why :icon_eek:

  12. welcome to the site mate :D but how the bloody hell you can drink speckled hen is beyond me :sick:


    We all have our crosses to bare, I suppose

    1 :drink:


    Guiness is my most favourite drink, but I won't drink it at home because that tinned crap is nothing compared to the real stuff.


    Cheers! :thumbs:



    got to agree about Guiness but im more of a Black sheep man my self :drink:


    Black Sheep's good!


    I bought a Badger selection pack a few weeks ago, and their Brandford Fly is one to be avoided at all costs; it's bloody awful! :sick: Their Poacher's Choice was really rather nice, though! 8)


    Hell, I might even crack open a bottle now, Paddy!


    Cheers! :drink:

  13. welcome to the site mate :D but how the bloody hell you can drink speckled hen is beyond me :sick:


    We all have our crosses to bare, I suppose

    1 :drink:


    Guiness is my most favourite drink, but I won't drink it at home because that tinned crap is nothing compared to the real stuff.


    Cheers! :thumbs:

  14. This post is to introduce myself to you all, and in an attempt to stop manners being eroded from society.


    OK, with all that over with, here's a bit about me:


    I'm 36 and live in Buckinghamshire. I shoot FAC airgun, .22rimfire and, my favourite of all: .17HMR.

    I shoot all manner of pests on a couple of shoots dotted around the county, but like all of you, I'm looking for more [that isn't the reason for me joining, by the way].


    I'm a member with the C.A. and love this forum's stance on text speak. Text speak: society's greatest threat of erosion!


    I enjoy coarse fishing, computing and watching a decent film with a quality bottled ale in my hand. Hobgoblin, Badger Champion and Speckled Hen are my favourites.


    OK, now that you're all bored rigid, I shall be away and complete my profile so I can bore you all rigid 24/7. :whistling:


    Cheers, all!



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