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Posts posted by bucksborders

  1. 5 pups!! 3 bitches and 2 dogs - all are thriving. 5 days old now! Whelping was fun!! Complications meant number 1 got very stuck hence an emergency dash to the vet at 3am (still waiting for that bill - ouch) but after that they just popped out. Just waiting for their eyes to open now...


    Thanks for all the comments and advice.


    BB + mum and dad dog and 5 small trouble-makers!

  2. Hi everyone


    Thanks for all your advice.. I can confirm that yes, she is pregnant!! This week she has nipples like bullets and her tummy is starting to swell a bit. She has perked up a bit though and is eating like a horse! We are on day 37 now so into week 6. We have some working liquid which we have been told to give her every day from 40 to 2 days post whelping.


    So far so good - she seems fine and happy and regaining most of her energy. Back to chasing pigeons in the garden! Next hurdle is the actual whelping - not sure what I think about being a birth partner!


    Watch this space for pup results!



  3. Thanks guys... Your story a bit scary big d! I hope that isn't the case with ours! She is very petite and is her 1st litter so hoping for a small litter, of small pups!! We are lucky in that both of ours are fantastic examples of the breed with brilliant temperaments and way too much intelligence for a couple of small dogs!


    Will keep you all posted! If she is, pups will be due 1st week April.

  4. Hi all


    I am a new member and new to all this so bear with me!


    We have 2 Border terriers - 1 of each flavour.... We let our stud dog get jiggy with our bitch for the 1st time this season. She is on day 29 now since the 1st time we caught them "at it" (though caught them at least 2 more times after that!).


    Wondering what exactly we should be looking for now. I have "The Book of the Bitch" which is good enough but all seems a bit vague. She is off her food, really quiet and subdued, sleeping all the time (esp this week) and has been a bit pukey on and off over the last 3 weeks. The cost of a scan at our vets is astronomical so we aren't going down that route.


    Any advice?


    Thanks to all!



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