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Posts posted by ewana1975





    Why don't you explain to the dog he has to like your twins whether he likes it or not?


    What the f**k are you on about , for starters it's a bitch not a dog , how do you suggest I get her to like my kids , send her to evening classes , if you've nothing constructive to say stay of my advert knob !

    Touchy sort of a chap aren't you?you join up just to sell a dog and start shouting the odds after 18 posts.I actually was

    trying to give advice discreetly hoping you might read between the lines.I had some dogs down the years who thought they could rule the roost ,some even tried to bite but they NEVER tried it a second time,because I made them realize I ru,led the roost in the yard and they crossed me at their peril.Grow a pair of balls with your dog and take control of your yard instead of the dog been the boss.Dog men my arse.Terrible the kind of people that pop up here to flog something and then gone never to add anything constructive to the site.

    We'll actually I've been a member on here since the 23rd of February 2008 not that it's got anything to do with you , as for you advise well maybe you should learn to read the full post not between the lines ! My dogs all 4 of them have never shown any aggression towards me and the oldest being 10 BUT since having my children who are coming up 8 months this particular bitch has show a disliking to them , the first time they were out in the pram she circled it in a frenzy , the second time she jumped on top of it an I DONT want to risk the third ! As for growing a pair of balls well I've got a pair all ready and they don't hang in front of my eyes like yours you f*****g knob head . As for this site it's a real sham it's full of pricks like you because it just puts people off of trying to sell on here , I've donated my money and this is the first dog I've ever sold on here , unless Ian b has got a problem with me I suggest you stay of my advert and go back to beating your dogs you big man !

    Why don't you leave out the expletives they do not give you street cred they just show your lack of vocabulary,everybody can curse.Your on here since 2008 and you have contributed 19 posts to the site and donated the sum of 5 pound to flog a dog,and then make a statement this site is full of pricks.This dog jumped into a pram with two children in it to attack them(your own flesh and blood) and you're trying to sell it !!!!!!!!!!!!.If any dog or human tried to do that to my children or anybodys children ,I would have it by the back leg and splatter its brains on the footpath,and not a Judge in the land would convict me,but then again 350 pound is a LOT OF MONEY when it comes to the safety of children.

    How about I donate you some money to get your eyes tested, I never said she attacked them , what I said was she jumped on the top of the pram and I wasn't prepared to risk it , as for you I think you've got an anger problem , have it by the back leg and splatter it's brains on the footpath , like I said you get back to beating your dogs and I'll sell mine as I please !

  2. I'm sat drinking a cuppa and the thought crossed my mind .....................What would I do if it was my bitch ?


    Would I be selling if She was any good?................. I don't think I would if it's a house dog then build a run



    Does she even know what in the pram ?...............If not show her what's in there and that she's not to go near


    Or you could always make a nice little £350 notes !!!!!!!!

    It's not been an easy decision to make as it is , if I pick her up and show her what's in there she goes into a frenzy,if the kids are on the lounge floor she sits on the BBQ looking in , so no it's not the pram it's the children,a dog can always be replaced but my kids can't , you should know that if your a father ! Not that I should have to justify myself to you or anyone else on this page !





    Why don't you explain to the dog he has to like your twins whether he likes it or not?


    What the f**k are you on about , for starters it's a bitch not a dog , how do you suggest I get her to like my kids , send her to evening classes , if you've nothing constructive to say stay of my advert knob !

    Touchy sort of a chap aren't you?you join up just to sell a dog and start shouting the odds after 18 posts.I actually was trying to give advice discreetly hoping you might read between the lines.I had some dogs down the years who thought they could rule the roost ,some even tried to bite but they NEVER tried it a second time,because I made them realize I ru,led the roost in the yard and they crossed me at their peril.Grow a pair of balls with your dog and take control of your yard instead of the dog been the boss.Dog men my arse.Terrible the kind of people that pop up here to flog something and then gone never to add anything constructive to the site.

    We'll actually I've been a member on here since the 23rd of February 2008 not that it's got anything to do with you , as for you advise well maybe you should learn to read the full post not between the lines ! My dogs all 4 of them have never shown any aggression towards me and the oldest being 10 BUT since having my children who are coming up 8 months this particular bitch has show a disliking to them , the first time they were out in the pram she circled it in a frenzy , the second time she jumped on top of it an I DONT want to risk the third ! As for growing a pair of balls well I've got a pair all ready and they don't hang in front of my eyes like yours you f*****g knob head . As for this site it's a real sham it's full of pricks like you because it just puts people off of trying to sell on here , I've donated my money and this is the first dog I've ever sold on here , unless Ian b has got a problem with me I suggest you stay of my advert and go back to beating your dogs you big man !

    So it could be the pram ??????????????????


    It makes me laugh when people try to sell something on here and then get all narky if some one says something they don't like.



    Yes I agree it is a forum , but what really gets on my tits is nearly every advert on here gets railroaded by people who have got nothing better to do than knock another mans add , I could have bullshited and said she's fine with kids, loves cats and works anything with four legs but I've been honest !



    Why don't you explain to the dog he has to like your twins whether he likes it or not?


    What the f**k are you on about , for starters it's a bitch not a dog , how do you suggest I get her to like my kids , send her to evening classes , if you've nothing constructive to say stay of my advert knob !

    Touchy sort of a chap aren't you?you join up just to sell a dog and start shouting the odds after 18 posts.I actually was trying to give advice discreetly hoping you might read between the lines.I had some dogs down the years who thought they could rule the roost ,some even tried to bite but they NEVER tried it a second time,because I made them realize I ru,led the roost in the yard and they crossed me at their peril.Grow a pair of balls with your dog and take control of your yard instead of the dog been the boss.Dog men my arse.Terrible the kind of people that pop up here to flog something and then gone never to add anything constructive to the site.


    We'll actually I've been a member on here since the 23rd of February 2008 not that it's got anything to do with you , as for you advise well maybe you should learn to read the full post not between the lines ! My dogs all 4 of them have never shown any aggression towards me and the oldest being 10 BUT since having my children who are coming up 8 months this particular bitch has show a disliking to them , the first time they were out in the pram she circled it in a frenzy , the second time she jumped on top of it an I DONT want to risk the third ! As for growing a pair of balls well I've got a pair all ready and they don't hang in front of my eyes like yours you f***ing knob head . As for this site it's a real sham it's full of pricks like you because it just puts people off of trying to sell on here , I've donated my money and this is the first dog I've ever sold on here , unless Ian b has got a problem with me I suggest you stay of my advert and go back to beating your dogs you big man !

  5. At least he was honest about the dislike the dog has to his kids. Why won't there be someone that's wants this terrier because I'd say theres plenty that it would go to and never see a child.

    Yup i'd agree with that. Stated no good with kids so buy it at your own risk if you think it'll come into contact with kids. Otherwise a decent deal for someone i reckon.


    And she may be fine with kids over a certain age? Would be a waste to cull a good fox dog if it was spot on with everything else. :yes:

    Another muppet , who said anything about culling her ?



    So why didn't you quote page1 post 10 instead of page 1 post 15 smart arse !


    What the f**k you on about? Face it you jumped the gun and made a c**t of yourself. :yes:


    Yeah your right I jumped the gun yawn ! Like the add says no smart arse comments so go f**k yourself and leave me to sell my dog !

  6. At least he was honest about the dislike the dog has to his kids. Why won't there be someone that's wants this terrier because I'd say theres plenty that it would go to and never see a child.

    Yup i'd agree with that. Stated no good with kids so buy it at your own risk if you think it'll come into contact with kids. Otherwise a decent deal for someone i reckon.


    And she may be fine with kids over a certain age? Would be a waste to cull a good fox dog if it was spot on with everything else. :yes:

    Another muppet , who said anything about culling her ?



    So why didn't you quote page1 post 10 instead of page 1 post 15 smart arse !



    At least he was honest about the dislike the dog has to his kids. Why won't there be someone that's wants this terrier because I'd say theres plenty that it would go to and never see a child.

    Yup i'd agree with that. Stated no good with kids so buy it at your own risk if you think it'll come into contact with kids. Otherwise a decent deal for someone i reckon.

    And she may be fine with kids over a certain age? Would be a waste to cull a good fox dog if it was spot on with everything else. :yes:

    Another muppet , who said anything about culling her ?
  8. Why don't you explain to the dog he has to like your twins whether he likes it or not?

    What the f**k are you on about , for starters it's a bitch not a dog , how do you suggest I get her to like my kids , send her to evening classes , if you've nothing constructive to say stay of my advert knob !


    At least he was honest about the dislike the dog has to his kids. Why won't there be someone that's wants this terrier because I'd say theres plenty that it would go to and never see a child.


    Yup i'd agree with that. Stated no good with kids so buy it at your own risk if you think it'll come into contact with kids. Otherwise a decent deal for someone i reckon.
    Cheers stabba !
  10. It is with a very heavy heart that I'm selling this bitch , but she has taken a disliking to my 7 month twin boys so she has to go . 100% on fox , nice small type , lives out , not great with other dogs ,hates cats ! No smart arse comments please , this is a very genuine and regrettable
    Sale £350 ,bitch is based in cambridgeshire

  11. Thank you for all your coments , maybe i should have stated why i feel i need a collar . This may sound daft but we moved house about 3 months ago and my wifes dog was ok in the kennel , now for some strange reason hes up about at around 5.30 in the morning and keeps barking . He has always been fed at the same time morning and night , gets walked regular twice a day . I have tryed shouting at him , ive tryed chucking pints of water at him , other than that im a bit lost so all help would be appreciated . Many thanks a very tired Ewan

  12. Hello there just a few words to say hi ,My name is Ewan and im new to the site today and keen to chat and meet new people . I enjoy all kinds of hunting including lamping and have just started working my terriers below ground . Hope to learn as mush as possible and maybe meet new people . Cheers


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