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Posts posted by Sirocco

  1. I may sign up for the live manx commentary on the net though, what thoughts you?




    Got a link for that Sirocco?


    Sad to hear about Robert Dunlop. Hope there are no more accidents this year.

    OK try this http://www.iomtt/TT-Live.aspx ,


    or if not just type in Manx Radio then go to the tt section, different options 4 coverage



  2. I live in the north east and from the top floor of Sirocco towers can see the eston hills, but with the houses and heavy industries this has to be classed as Urban, I regularly see foxes walking the streets/raiding the bins outside the chippie,

    also Hedgehogs that i have to pick up and place them ont other side of the road in the direction that they were ambling

    (even after eons of evolution they still think they are invinsible),


    Magpies (once truly a country bird) are becoming very successfull in our built up areas (as well as becoming a predominant species in the wild) the lil Pipistrelle bats moving into towns they seem to love getting under those corrugated roofs to nest, we also have urban rabbits, but they are scavenging moth eaten looking things.


    Buzzards i can watch soaring on thermals very close to houses, its not unusual to hear the screach of an owl after dark, again all now urban, i know there will be others that can increase the list for me, but this is not the point.


    Why ?, its not for an easier living, as i watch some of them scratching hard to exhist, and there has been no loss of green/open ground around here, ive asked and heard all the crackpot thearies, Global warming etc, but here is the thing i cant get me wrinkly ole head around, moving into towns the wildlife has to take on, and conquer a whole new set of problems,

    but it is happening, the wildlife IS moving in,


    any decent theories guys ?



  3. Moi ?, weeel im just a self employed leather craftsman, have been fer as long as i can remember (what day is is today ?) lol, joking apart what a truly diverse bunch we are, and i do feel humbled looking at the rest of your professions,

    Good post mate, (is there any positions for a rent wrinkly ?)



  4. Jeez, im the only one with a reply ?, ive been over to the island so many times, and viewed from so many different parts of the most beutifull of Gods isles, so many memories of so many great riders that i have seen, To many to list, and even more difficult to put in any listed order, watching from the kerbsides under leafy trees, and seeing up so close the gut wrenching throttle opening, frames flexing, kerb clipping, up so close you can see the wear marks on those big ole fat tires, and that thrill of knowing that a bit later the Axe Murderers (sorry sidecar boys) are gonna be let loose.


    Sadly i couldnt get there this year work was a bit thin on the ground so far this year being self employed, and my lady in hospital and all,

    from the privateers to the works riders I salute you :notworthy:


    I may sign up for the live manx commentary on the net though, what thoughts you?



  5. Oh My F***in God, is this what my dad fought for all those years ago, lads can i ask is that "stick on" facial hair ? cos you aint old enough to actually know about the repercusions of the words that you cant even mime properly,


    alas i have a question, why do painfully thin prepubescent youths walk around trying to talk like a black man ?





  6. Wow, now thats interesting, ive got waders that come up to me manly chest :whistling: can anyone give some more tips on this i.e techniques etc ?, what about near rock formations, whats the best tides ?


    and also some tips on repairing waders for when i surely will stab my own foot

  7. When i heard about it i thought "oh no not Robert" i live in england but have watched Joey and Robert many times, to now have lost both of them is a cruel blow, i can only hope that some of the grief to family and close freinds can be eased just a little buy the countless fans both at home and around the world.


    to have now lost two great talents is a cruel blow, but they will still be tearing it up between the curbs in our hearts and minds.



  8. Ahem....all sitting comfortably ?, you, yes you the bay at the back, go and see Matron that stain will have to come out before you go home, (well that got your attention didnt it lol)

    ok seriouse question i have a geriatric gunpower stealth, had the bugger for years its given sutch sterling service, and with its brilliant simple design it has provided food for the table for so long now, but is now showing its age, the valve in the bottle is starting to play up, i took it to three places and they couldnt even get the threaded end out !, i think the seels are wearing also, now the trigger is playing up.

    ok i know most will say get a new rifle but this one is like an old freind, so im wondering if there is anybody here that has any knowledge of working on one, or who might know of someone, im afraid all my skills as a craftsman are with working with leather, not fetling guns.


    so pleeeese, anyone here that can say " I can do that"





  9. I have been a member for a while now,i dont post to much, i tend to like to read others posts as i find them interesting, informative, the writers well informed and well balanced people, and i find it expands my reading horizons,


    and sometimes i tell porkies (oh no i cant find my tablets)

  10. I am a time seved leather craftsman, I would never use any machinery as all mine is hand cut and hand stitched, but there is a fair old amount of kit there, id say the price was pretty good, that big ole industrial stitcher will fetch £600 plus on its own, i did notice that there is no big cutting bench for hand cutting leather with a round head knife, i suppose most modern leatherworkers use diposable craft knives lol.

  11. I originally posted thuis in the rimfire and shotgun guys room, it got views but alas no replies (mebe cos i fessed up to being an air rifle hunter ?, who knows) as a time served saddler I will be making some shotgun shell cases/pouches and as i have no knowledge of shotgun shell sizes i though that the original box that they are bought in would make a good former, so, can anyone give me a somwhere accurate measurement of a shotgun shell box, and also are there many diff types, i am looking for a measurement that the original box would just drop into as a leather case, and also as a belt pouch, so, views without replies will get your bare botty spanked ! ! !



    The only link I could find to a cartridge case that actually had dimensions was this one:


    It holds 9 boxes, bt it might give you a rough idea :blink:

    ok thanks for that, cheers mate.

  12. One of my shooting mates has just bought a Gamo CFX royal and a SMK XS20, includings scopes, 2 full tins of pellets, scopes, bags and a cleaning kit for £300 the pair second hand, but like new. The lad who he bought them off, hardly ever used them. Just wanting to know if any of you guys have had any experience with either gun in the field. I'm just being nosey, I guess! :tongue2:

    Sorry mate but i wouldnt touch anything from SMK with a bargepole

  13. Nasseem was vey good, but not one of the greats, his promoters were very clever he never ever fought anyone that could be a serious threat, a shame as Nasseem could have been a legend, Tyson (not as he was in his last round of fights) but as he was in his prime was an animal, he deserved the belts he got during that era, for me Ali turned out to be the legend his fast stinging punches were so deceptive, a thinking boxer, and i still dont know how he laid back on the ropes and soaked up all those rounds of body punches to wear an opponent out, ive never seen anyone able to do that then when his opponent is tired out come back out boxing !!!

  14. I originally posted thuis in the rimfire and shotgun guys room, it got views but alas no replies (mebe cos i fessed up to being an air rifle hunter ?, who knows) as a time served saddler I will be making some shotgun shell cases/pouches and as i have no knowledge of shotgun shell sizes i though that the original box that they are bought in would make a good former, so, can anyone give me a somwhere accurate measurement of a shotgun shell box, and also are there many diff types, i am looking for a measurement that the original box would just drop into as a leather case, and also as a belt pouch, so, views without replies will get your bare botty spanked ! ! !


  15. Hi, as a time served leather craftsman i want to make some shotgun shell cases/pouches, but as i am an air rifle hunter i know nothing about shotgun shell sizes, i was thinking of using anoriginal box that they come in as a size for a former, could anyone give me some precise measurement ? also most popular size used used ?, .

    many thanks,


  16. Terry Pratchett for me. I find his discworld books quite hard to get into at first, but after about an hour or so, I can't stop reading them!


    I've got a few of Clarkson's books, they make me laugh out sometimes. I can't remember the name of the book off hand, but there was one chapter about his efforts to shoot a fox, armed with a shotgun, bottle of wine & some dodgy ex-Russian army nightvision goggles! It was one of the funniest things I've ever read. :thumbs:

    To make himself at bit more of a "lad" Clarkson makes 99% of his stuff up, he loives in his own little fantasy world

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