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Posts posted by brecon3

  1. Sounds like im expecting her to go from zero to hero before she has grown up. thanks for the advise guys, really appriciate it. as i say , first pup so im just finding my own feet with it, just as she is.

    Is treating everything a good idea? i.e. positive reinforcement. i don't want her to just work for the food reward.


    Is it possible to bush with a single dog? any kind fellas out there fancy letting a novice tag along for a bit of bushing / lamping / ferreting? (obviously id leave the pup at home as shes too young) but just so I can see how its done? I'm based on the oxon/glos border

    • Like 1
  2. Hi Guys,

    So the exciting time has come and I have finally got myself my first pup.

    A chap in the next village was selling a litter of working lurchers, and they looked like what I was looking for.

    Sire is GreyxWhippet

    Dam is BeddyxWhippet


    I've not had a working dog before so Just thought I would post some photos and let you guys see her, and also invite any advise from the older and wiser in the lurcher world.


    Hoping to get her out on the lamp and a bit of mooching/bushing when she is older. just letting her grow and develop a bit for now.


    Basic training is going ok. she is now about 15ish weeks and has a great recall, unless there is distractions on the park eg other dogs/people. she comes eventually but only when she decides and not when I whistle, otherwise she comes back first time nearly every time if there's nobody else on the park. any ideas for getting her to ignore the distractions and come straight back?


    Down and sit are great in the house, but outside she only does it if I have a treat and even then she sometimes just ignores me ( really frustrating when I know she understands what I'm asking!)


    Heel, is coming along well too, she will heel for 10-15m then forget she is at heel and wonder off if I'm not quick to treat and get her to stay.


    The retrieve is the pain though, she will fetch a slipper/ball of socks in the house and bring it back. but again outside she just runs around with the ball of socks and she comes back and runs straight past me and circles me. if she does come all the way in outside she often drops about 2m short and runs in for the reward. I don't chase her for it, and often she will return to me and have left the ball 20m away


    Not sure what you guys think about this at her age, as she is my first pup I'm not sure if this is good for her age or not.


    Any tips for correcting these issues would be great, as I'm sure many of you have faced the same or similar situations in your own pups.


    Thanks again, enjoy the photos (hope they load ok)










    • Like 9
  3. Does playing tug with the Lurchers encorage them to be hard mouthed?

    Iv just been trying to build a bond with my pup, by playing tug, but Because she has 1/4 beddy she really goes hard on the rag.


    wondering if this is teaching her to grip everything that goes in her mouth for grim death?

    she is only 12 weeks old, but I don't really want to be doing something now that could mess her up

    or give me issues to deal with later on in her life if she is hard mouthed.


    any advice welcome lads... (shes my first pup so go easy :icon_redface: )

  4. Evening folks, looking into getting a either a pure whippet or a whippet x collie or similar. A few questions as I have been around pet dogs all my life, but this would be my first working lurcher. Is this a good first dog to start with? Also thinking of getting a bitch, my experience with my mums corgis is that the dogs are a bit daft and switched off, and the bitches are more sharp and intelligent, is this the case with lurchers?

    Ideally will be used for:

    a bit of lamping

    general mooching/bushing

    (just the dog and me, is that possible?) also for retrieving shot pigeons/rabbits with the air rifle.


    starting to look at pups, a big question I have is, how important is it for a dog that will be used for this kind of work to come from working parents? Like what does that kind of breeding do for the following generation? Will it be noticeable for me? I don't need a dog that will catch a million rabbits a night or go working everyday of the year, will I manage with a dog from pet dog parents?

    All the online ads my wife is pointing out possible pups mostly come from pet homes. If it's important, any one know of any litters around at the moment from good breeders?


    This might be a bit cheeky but any of you kind folks in Gloucestershire /Oxfordshire area able to take me out and show me the ropes?


    Thanks in advance for your help guys.


  5. just wondered what you thought of this offer. the other gun i have been looking at is the air arms 410. i belive that the bsa gets over 200 shots per fill and the airarms only gets 100. is this true. jyst wondered if any of you have had any experiance of the bsa. i know lots of you shoot air arms and most cant speak highly enough.


    cheers brecon3

  6. thanks for the input

    they are asking for £150

    when i said that they are good looking dogs i wasnt meaning they were cute i ment that they were strong , healthy ,alert pups who all of them were jumping at the gate of the kennel when i came near

    the only problems i would be thinking of are that the father is very flghty and skitish and the mother has had a go at my mums corgi and a jack russel up the road that required vets attention would this be passed onto the pups?

    neither mother or father has really worked




  7. it first cross cross if that helps and the gsd is the mother (is that sire?)

    i can ask about the gds history of hips as i know the lady well

    and they look strong stocky dogs although the mother did have a nip at me when i walked through the gate (would this be passed on to the pups)

    then there is the question

    bitch or dog? what are the pros and cons for each?





  8. the stables over the road from me have just had a litter of suliuki x greman shepard pups

    just wondering what they would be like if i bought one

    i havnt had much experiance with either breed so wondered if anyone who has could help

    i guess they will be quick but weather the greman shepard will slow them down or reduce the hunting insting i dont know





  9. CO2 isnt that good mate

    it makes more noise and is more expencive to run

    pluse it wil lose power/ gain power in diferent heat conditions

    i belive that it something to do with the CO2 gas expanding in the cartridge


    hope that helps mate

  10. as most of you will know i have had my bsa lightning xl just under a year now

    i have had to send one back and get a new one dew to accuracy problems

    and now the new one that i have got seem to be getting louder each session

    whats going on

    anyideas to fix it ?



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