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thurso jack

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Posts posted by thurso jack

  1. My mate picked this dog up today, he's a cracking looker, if he grafts as good as he looks then he'll be bang on.

    yeah took him up the farm and let him run round the yard while i butchered a calf, great with sheep , but dont think hes seen cattle before!!!! mooched a bit came back when i called him alls good,got him home wouldnt touch the dry food, wouldnt touch the fresh beef, but smashed a bowl of restaurant left overs so hes happy now , but making a bit of noise since hes gone in the kennel!! all thats left is for him him to earn his kennel space fingers crossed!!! but the mush was told about that!!! cracking looking dog but we all no looks dont make a dog!! here he is this afternoon, cheers L keep in touch, ps keep ya f*****g chin up




    tidy dog that mate, any rushill in it?

  2. had my first shine of the season last night, the stock had finally been taken off the fields earlier this week, although half of it still had cows and sheep on and the farmer doesnt want us lamping with stock in them, so only managed a couple of parks, still a nice easy shift for the dogs :clapper:


    despite it being ideal conditions last night, there wasnt much about, the dogs ran well and only missed a couple, had work at 4:30 this morning so only an hour out.


    it was nice to meet you david, i was surprised being a taff that you left them sheep alone!! :D




    see you next week :clapper:

  3. I got our ESS bitch covered about ten days ago and she still appears to be in season. How long should she stay in season for ? any advice appreciated , thanks


    average season for a bitch is 3 weeks, just because you lined her, doesnt mean she will come out of season the next day :tongue2:

  4. Also as ricky says dont set yourself uptp fail, dont try to do this as the dog is running in the opposite direction 200 yards from you, try it as its coming towards you at a very close distance, once mastrered close in then increase distance, and any signs of unwillingness at distance go back to closer in, keep you and the dog winning!! ;)

  5. Good Day chaps,


    i have a 1 1/2 year old cocker spaniel. quite steady and loves his work. i have him sitting and staying no probs for any length of time. 1 thing i cant seem to overcome is stopping him on the whistle he just comes back to my feet and sits!! quite frustrating. i have tried him on a long line etc but to have no joy. if anyone has any tips would be great.





    if he is still coming to you when you ask him to sit, run towards him and make him sit where you ask him to, by moving towards him giving your sit command, he will/should sit, you have to act when your dog doesnt listen and not when its at your feet as by then its too late, hope that makes sense, im no expert but it has worked for me and i have been told similar by those who are experts ;)

  6. There was to be a book on B.Gripton and he gave all his photo albums to this person who was to write it and never saw the photos again nor was there any book forthcoming . Or so the story goes if my memory is correct :whistling:

    I don't know of any other book BG wrote , if there was I'd like to be enlightened .


    Selwyn your memory is spot on :thumbs:.


    I was close friends with Bert from the early 70's up until his death and particularly during the time he was terrierman to the Border Counties Otterhounds (BCOH) under the Mastership of Mr R.P. Williams who also hunted the hounds.


    Bert was terrierman to the BCOH up until 1977 when the otter was placed on the protected list. The BCOH retained all their original hounds, but then reformed as the Border Counties Minkhounds under the Mastership of their new Huntsman John Newton. Bert's hearing had started to fail by then, terrier locators were still a relatively new invention and shunned by most of the old school, so Brian Nuttall took over the role as terrierman for a couple of seasons and then I did it for the next 17. It goes without saying that they were both difficult acts to follow and most definitely impossible to match. But they were fun times and ones spent in the very best of company.


    In those early days, Bert drove for James Baker Shoes. Myself, my girlfriend (now wife of 30+ years) and my cousin (who was my digging partner in those days) travelled the length and breadth of the country in the "big red van" with Bert. During the summer months we'd religiously hunt otters on Wednesdays/Saturdays and Bank Holidays, and on Sundays we'd either do a terrier show or Game Fair.... or the "other things" one always did on a Sunday.


    Together the 4 of us.... along with the likes of the late Barry Jones and others, helped man the first ever stand which the Fell & Moorland had at a game fair. That was at the CLA Game Fair Glanusk Park in 1976, which was also the year of H.R.H. Prince Charles's investiture as The Prince of Wales.


    On that occasion, whilst doing his tour of the Game Fair in an open topped Range Rover, on seeing 4 pens of "well worked terriers" H.R.H. asked the driver to make an unscheduled stop, got out of the vehicle and spent a very relaxed 15 minutes or so chatting about the relative merits of each dog and the work which they'd done. It was pretty clear that he had more than a "passing interest" ;).


    I believe the book in question is most likely Phil Drabble's "Of Pedigree Unknown" as to the best of my knowledge Bert never did get around to publishing a book, even though he referred to it on many occasions. And I saw the hand written manuscript which Selwyn referrred to, but in all honesty it would have taken a very good "ghost writer" to have turned it into a fully fledged book. Nevertheless, I'd still give my left testicle to get my hands on it now.


    For anyone fortunate enough to own a first edition copy of Pedigree Unknown (I've just put mine down) the picture of Bert which has been posted on this thread appears on the back cover and was taken in Lizard Lane where Bert lived in a tiny "one up and one down" cottage. Also on the front cover of the book is a picture of "Old Jack" a very close associate of my late father's "hand slipping" a "rag whippet".


    I've clear recollections from my early teens of Drabble waiting on our doorstep for my father to return home from work when he was doing his research for "Of Pedigree Unknown" and many of the references to whippets, sporting poultry and the larger sporting breeds relate to men I was fortunate enough to have grown up with. Sadly (in some ways) only the first edition contains pictures of their dogs as they found out much earlier than Bert where Drabble's real interests lay and he was told never to use any pictures of them or their dogs again.... and you just didn't argue with those men !!!


    There was indeed a documentary interview with Bert shown on BBC in the early 80's, it was conducted by Phil Drabble and entitled "The Terrierman". He did something very similar with my father maybe a decade or so earlier on "rag whippets". I still have a copy of the Bert interview, but sadly not one of my father as VCRs hadn't been invented then.


    When Bert died he was buried at Shifnal Church. As he was laid to rest David Jones, the then David Davies Huntsman, an equally well respected terrierman and someone for whom Bert had the greatest of affection often describing as "the best huntsman you'll ever see" blew "Gone to Ground" on an old hunting horn which still sits on my mantlepiece and which I'd taken along for the occasion.


    Afterwards both myself and Tony Wright (the Exmoor Huntsman whose Hunting Act prosecution was overturned) who Bert had taken hunting since he was a lad, went back to the grave digger and asked for the loan of his shovel. We threw in a few spadefuls of earth with the words "The old bugger would rarely let us break through.... but he'd always let us back fill". It was our way of saying goodbye to someone who had opened many doors for a lot of people from all walks of life. He was a rogue in many ways but "good 'un" in every way, and well worthy of the respect which he still commands today even amongst those who never met him.


    Yours in Sport and with the Fondest of Recollections - Barrie



    Hows things Barrie? :D


    cracking read as usual, ive watched that dvd you sent me on Bert a good few times :clapper: , i can only echo others in saying you should get some of these past times in print before its all lost, see you soon atb TJ

  7. Scottish Association for Country Sports

    Photographic Competition 2009


    We know that some of our members are excellent photographers – but can they beat all-comers in open competition? We are proud to announce the launch our 2009 photographic competition – open to members and non-members alike.


    First Prize in the competition is £500, second prize £250, and third prize £100. Winning photographs may be used as front covers in the SACS magazine and elsewhere, and full publicity will be given both in our magazine and anywhere else they are used.


    The competition will be judged by a completely independent panel appointed by the SACS Management Committee for the purpose, and their decision will be final. Details of the winners will be published in the following issue of the SACS magazine and elsewhere.


    The rules are simple:


    Entry to the competition is free – just send your photograph by email or post to us, clearly marked ‘Photographic Competition’, with your name, address and a contact telephone number.


    All photographs received will be acknowledged by email or post as appropriate. If you send an actual photograph and would like to have it returned, please enclose a suitable stamped addressed envelope.


    To qualify for entry, the subject of the photograph must have an obvious connection with a country sport which was legal at the time the photograph was taken.


    Photographs entered must not have previously been published, and by entering a photograph in the competition, you agree to allow SACS to use the photograph, at our discretion, at any time in the future.


    Send your photos by post to:





    ML9 3DG


    Or by email to sacs@netherholm.sol.co.uk


    The closing date for entry is 31 December 2009, and any photographs received after this date will not be entered.

    your terms are not satisfactory. They allow you to sell the image, and that is not acceptable to any photographer, whether professional or amateur. i will be sending details to the EPUK" unfair competition grab" website for adding to their database.



    nobody is forcing you to enter ;)

    Better to point out these things than people be taken in and misled. Imagine you take the winning photo, and you find it plastered all over advertising their products/services whatever, but you cannot claim anything from it all, ever!



    yes, but i think reporting it to some website or other is a bit OTT, i realised as soon as i read it this was the case but i dont think the idea of the comp is to make money out of your pics, more so they can use the good pics for promoting their organisation, which i cant really see a problem with :)



    So it's ok for us to spend thousands of pounds on photography equipment enter a photo into a competition for the organisers to profit from??


    The way it's worded they have the right to use any of the entered images as they wish not just the winning photo.


    Totally unacceptable


    A great way to get thousands of free photo's for there magazine and advertising though.... at the photographers expense



    you would have to be pretty thick not to understand the T's & C's, if you dont agree with it dont enter :wallbash:

  8. Scottish Association for Country Sports

    Photographic Competition 2009


    We know that some of our members are excellent photographers – but can they beat all-comers in open competition? We are proud to announce the launch our 2009 photographic competition – open to members and non-members alike.


    First Prize in the competition is £500, second prize £250, and third prize £100. Winning photographs may be used as front covers in the SACS magazine and elsewhere, and full publicity will be given both in our magazine and anywhere else they are used.


    The competition will be judged by a completely independent panel appointed by the SACS Management Committee for the purpose, and their decision will be final. Details of the winners will be published in the following issue of the SACS magazine and elsewhere.


    The rules are simple:


    Entry to the competition is free – just send your photograph by email or post to us, clearly marked ‘Photographic Competition’, with your name, address and a contact telephone number.


    All photographs received will be acknowledged by email or post as appropriate. If you send an actual photograph and would like to have it returned, please enclose a suitable stamped addressed envelope.


    To qualify for entry, the subject of the photograph must have an obvious connection with a country sport which was legal at the time the photograph was taken.


    Photographs entered must not have previously been published, and by entering a photograph in the competition, you agree to allow SACS to use the photograph, at our discretion, at any time in the future.


    Send your photos by post to:





    ML9 3DG


    Or by email to sacs@netherholm.sol.co.uk


    The closing date for entry is 31 December 2009, and any photographs received after this date will not be entered.

    your terms are not satisfactory. They allow you to sell the image, and that is not acceptable to any photographer, whether professional or amateur. i will be sending details to the EPUK" unfair competition grab" website for adding to their database.



    nobody is forcing you to enter ;)

    Better to point out these things than people be taken in and misled. Imagine you take the winning photo, and you find it plastered all over advertising their products/services whatever, but you cannot claim anything from it all, ever!



    yes, but i think reporting it to some website or other is a bit OTT, i realised as soon as i read it this was the case but i dont think the idea of the comp is to make money out of your pics, more so they can use the good pics for promoting their organisation, which i cant really see a problem with :)

  9. Scottish Association for Country Sports

    Photographic Competition 2009


    We know that some of our members are excellent photographers – but can they beat all-comers in open competition? We are proud to announce the launch our 2009 photographic competition – open to members and non-members alike.


    First Prize in the competition is £500, second prize £250, and third prize £100. Winning photographs may be used as front covers in the SACS magazine and elsewhere, and full publicity will be given both in our magazine and anywhere else they are used.


    The competition will be judged by a completely independent panel appointed by the SACS Management Committee for the purpose, and their decision will be final. Details of the winners will be published in the following issue of the SACS magazine and elsewhere.


    The rules are simple:


    Entry to the competition is free – just send your photograph by email or post to us, clearly marked ‘Photographic Competition’, with your name, address and a contact telephone number.


    All photographs received will be acknowledged by email or post as appropriate. If you send an actual photograph and would like to have it returned, please enclose a suitable stamped addressed envelope.


    To qualify for entry, the subject of the photograph must have an obvious connection with a country sport which was legal at the time the photograph was taken.


    Photographs entered must not have previously been published, and by entering a photograph in the competition, you agree to allow SACS to use the photograph, at our discretion, at any time in the future.


    Send your photos by post to:





    ML9 3DG


    Or by email to sacs@netherholm.sol.co.uk


    The closing date for entry is 31 December 2009, and any photographs received after this date will not be entered.

    your terms are not satisfactory. They allow you to sell the image, and that is not acceptable to any photographer, whether professional or amateur. i will be sending details to the EPUK" unfair competition grab" website for adding to their database.



    nobody is forcing you to enter ;)

  10. Jack, think I have found something mate he is a ftch producig ftch's and ftw's in central scotland. Ftch Rytex roman chariot, he is the sire of spence's dog. will get details later on today. hopefully he is still standing.

    t forget a clear/current eye cert. and if they hare half decent/responsible....then they will insist on yours too.


    eyes clear Farlap.


    ricky, FTCH rytex roman chariot is the bitches grandfather so not an option im afraid :cry:

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