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Posts posted by rjimmer

  1. im not looking for stalking i happy enough were i go but fancied a crack at a munty and cwd but when i phoned around for prices to stalk a munty and cwd when they told me cost i could have fell through the floor :o


    The price of anything is what someone is prepared to pay.

    In a lot of cases today, when people have more disposable income than years ago, some people will pay what seems to be stupid money for things that others, on a different living plain, would not dream of buying at the price.

    'More money than sense', 'A fool and his money are soon parted', 'Not living in the real world' are sayings that come to mind.

    I would not think of paying, what for me would be a weeks income, to walk round for a few hours with a rifle in my hand, on the off-chance of having a shot at a deer.

    Some people can 'really' afford stalking prices. Others just think they can, without any thoughts of what sort of life they will be able to afford when they are older, and the income stream has stopped.

    Lots of people are simply priced out of activities because a small but significant proportion will go over the top for their 'kicks'. Look at the prices paid for footbal teams!

    Look at the price of some non-lead shotgun cartridges, but enough people will pay the high prices to set those prices for everyone else. You follow them or you give up trying.

    The situation is coming, though, when the money will stop and it will only be foreigners who can afford the things that we used to take for granted.

  2. fed up trying to find some factory ammo for less that £27 a box!



    Is that a mis-print.

    I bought 500 .223(Samson) at £8 for 20 about 2 months ago.

    How much are you going to pay for cases, used or new?

    Most reloaders would, I suspect, advise buying a large quantity of brass or rounds so that there is a better chance of the cases being fairly uniform.

  3. I think I am right in saying that a fire formed case from one rifle may not fit in the chamber of another?


    Some people just resize the neck with rounds they intend to use in the same rifle and even go to the extent of inserting the bullet the same way up each time.

  4. im getting mreo confused as thr link goes on! haha


    so supersnics are good....but not if your trying to shoot them to far? and not out of a short barrel? :(


    so 100 to 120 yards in my CZ 452 should be fine? :icon_eek:

    This is what Eley says:




    Eley HV hollow points have probably killed more rabbits in this country than most ammo.


    Rumor has it competition ammo is subsonic because the transition from supersonic to subsonic affects accuracy.


    A lot of the ammo that I used to bring home from the range used to 'crack' even with the moderator.

    It's 'supposed' to be 60 fps below the speed of sound.


    Now, to open an old wound, would a longer barrel be better for stuff like Stingers?

    AND, what about barrel wear using stingers? Is it noticeable or negligible?

  6. I am shooting a model 93 savage 22mag, remmington premier 33gr. accu tips. would like to know if any body would know the downrange and drop and winddrift.. up to 250 yards ???? thanks


    If you zero at 100 yrds, the point of impact will be 31" low at 250 yrds and with a 5mph cross wind the bullet will drift nearly 15".


    That's according to Ammoguide.


    20 inches? not that short, seeing as most barrels seem to be around 22" i'd say it'd be a good length for work in an enclosed high seat, from a vehicle, or pushing through vegetation or under low branches


    I think you had better read the thread again.

    Under 24" for a shotgun means it's a FAC weapon in the UK.

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