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Posts posted by DB99

  1. hi

    i have now got my FAC,and have got myself a cz 452 american. the scope on it isnt that good, so ive decided to buy a new one for xmas, but there is so much choice i dont have a clue what to get....

    i dont want to spend more than £100, i will be shooting in the day and with the lamp, using sub. ammo.

    what would you guys recommend?


    help will be apreciated


  2. i have a 2yr old GSP bitch, i take her rough shooting and beating during the season.

    but she will not pick anything up and bring it to me...

    when i throw a tennis ball she just ignores it....the same with a dummy

    when i throw game for her she will run to it..sniff it..and then come back...

    what can i do to get her retreiving???


    any help will be much appreciated


  3. on the additional information sheet, Doc.4, where it says what i intent to shoot..

    do i put down just rabbits or do i have to put down all the species i intent to shoot??

    as wont they gather this information from my reason for having a firearm-vermin control



  4. I have decided to apply for my FAC, but i am undecided on what caliber to go for.

    i will be shooting mainly rabbits, up to 100yards, and the odd fox

    which caliber should i apply for 22lr or 17hmr?

    what are the advantages and disadvantages of both?

    the land i will be shooting on is hilly


    any help will be appreciated

    thanks for reading

  5. I have a GWP X Brittany Spaniel and hes very much like the pointer in respects to him ranging, as its said before thats almost bred into them to range ahead find its quarry then stay on point for the duration it takes to allow the guns/falconer to get in position.


    to stop him goin forward what i do is do alot of work quartering so he still ranges but laterally rather than forward (if you get me). if this is problematic them use a long piece of rope to keep him in control and teachhes him to range only fairly close to you, in the feild this will proberly increase abit because of temptation but hopefully keep it within reasonable range.


    thanks for the reply sterry........i will give that a go and see how i get on


  6. Hi

    Ive decided im going to start ferreting im going to get two ferrets but im not sure what to get jills, hobs or one of each.

    Can you advise me please, pros cons etc, Also how much to feed? Ive already made a cage for them, is a locator essential or not?

    help will be appriciated


  7. you can fill it from a divers bottle or use a stirrup pump.........a standard compressor WILL NOT be suitable as it will not reach the required pressure of 200 bar.


    as for the gun........you will be able to get a decent seccond PCP for that kind of money or even new depending on what you want....multishot etc.


    visit your local gun shop and try a few for size...as people will reccomend certain guns that may not "fit" you.


    and any filling adatptors will come the the gun.


    hope this helps for now.


    good luck and all the best




    cheers for the quick reply, ill have a look sumtime this week

  8. Hi

    Ive been airgunning for a few years now with a springer and ive decided to upgrade to a PCP, I was wondereing what could i get in the price range? New or second hand? not bothered, Also could compressor be used to fill up the air tank? would i need to get any other adaptors for it?



  9. Hi

    i am getting some ferrets i the next couple of weeks :boogie: , and i thought id get all the kit first i have been offered a ferret finder mk2 are these any good? this is the cheapest finder ive found,or shall i get the mk1 because i cant stretch to the mk3, i am in the middle of building the cage shall i put straw and shreded paper in it? :hmm: where can i get purse nets cheapish ? :hmm:


    sorry if this sounds cheeky but could i have quick replies on the mk2 as i think someone else is interested, and i dont want to lose out on it if it is worth getting :no:

  10. thanks everyone :D does anyone know when kits are ready? would it be easier to get 2 hobs and not vasectomise them?



    ive read on another post that ferrets are ready at 5/6months is this the case for all ferrets or will some be earlier or later?


    cheers lads

  11. Hi all

    this season ive decided i am going to get some ferrets(2), but im not sure what to get,

    a hob and a jill or two jills? ive heard that a hob and a jill are a good working team. if i do get a hob and a jill and i get the hob vasectaminsed can they be kept together all year? will two jills work well together? and would there be any fighting when they come into season?


    any help will be appreiciated :D i thought it would be better to find out now and not the hard way :wallbash:


    P.S how much can im get an locator and collar for, anything for £40-50 ish

    cheers :D


    when will kits be available?

  12. hi could someone tell me how much i can get a second hand aa s410 with,scope,silencer,divers bottle(or pump) , as i'm thinking of getting one as they have such good write ups :toast:


    help please :bye:

  13. i had the 80, 77ex and the 90 all very capable guns but it all depends on how much you want to spend and can your dosh spread a bit further for say a aas410 second hand about 300-350 these are a lighter and more capable gun also with the kit on weirauchs they are even heavier,think about carting one around for a few hours.


    Hi for 300-350 does that include the pump,because iv'e heard that they are quite expensive?:hmm:

    cheers marco

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