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Yorkshire Hunter

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Posts posted by Yorkshire Hunter

  1. barstards they all really are.

    willing as buggery and theyll go to all extremes.

    we just wish the roof had fallen through with them on it, or a cow had gone for them.


    they have taken thr regestration plates with the quad, its a slim chance but hopefully theyll forget about them then it can be traced. bloody doubt it though

    we're hoping too for the insurance and thanks!

  2. yeah, its my uncles that its been stolen off

    so they need it for the terrierwork

    insurance will pay out hopefully so they can be up and running A.S.A.P

    one uncle said if he'd gone out they would of been at the bottom of the slurry pit before they saw him

  3. On Monday night the Saturday terriermen a North-Yorkshire hunt had their Polaris Sportsman Quad-bike stolen from their home farm.

    It was securely locked away in a cattle trailer which was tight infront of a tractor. They still managed to quietly steal the quad.

    The intruders had the lighting situation sussed out and realised two lights were on the same system,one onto teh byre the bike was in and one pointing directly onto the terriemens bedroom window. They took the bulb out of the second light-as not to disturb the victims.

    The two young patterdale puppies outside woke up the terriermen who then reaturned to sleep as they though they were barking at a rabbit.

    Needless to say the men stole the bike after realising it was in a byre and unable to get through the main door they smashed the skylight and got in.

    Then to take the bike x-country smashing gates and ramming into huntjumps luckily not letting any cattle out.

    The police have been informed and have got fingerprints.

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