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big d

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Posts posted by big d

  1. Three of us did it earlier this year,from 30 minutes south of Benidorm up to Holland,did it in just over 2 days,would have been easier and a darned site cheaper to fly Alicante-Gatwick,we just followed the sat-nav,cant you get the ferry over from Portsmouth to santander and drive the rest?

    thats what i'm thinking mate just don't know what would be the best ferry route to go to keep driving time down ?

    ive done it on a motorbike, plymouth to santander then straight down and caen to portsmouth coming back its not a bad run keep of the toll roads tho

  2. I love it when 'everyone knew' he was a dodgy guy and yet no one thought to mention that as he merrily traded away on here . . . .

    spot on mate, i went to a show he put on a couple of years back and there were folks who are putting him down on this thread all cuddled up with him that day. His dog sheds were shit as well 2 friends of mine bought off him and ended up chucking them away after a year or 2. Pleased a had nothing to do with him



    One of them would probably have been me mate, got a kennel and terrierbox around that time and he even looked after my eldests girls teddy!!!!! However i was disgusted with the service 12 mths ago when i ordered another kennel, you live and learn, i only need to be f****d about once........

    there was summit about those bushy eyebrows a cudnt get away with,, but i got a terrier box of him just last year and no problems, the same bloke knows most decent terrier men in the north east tho,summit not right !!


    And another would have been me, I don't remember "cuddling" him though lol.


    I can't understand why someone who could have moved his business forward just seems to have snatched and run, if his gear was shit then then was something he needed to sort out, but he certainly had everyones attention, he'll not get another chance am sure of that!


    Another tw.at who has eroded at peoples trust, really f.ucks me off that does. :censored:

  3. i decided to go to the alottment this afternoon in the hope of taking out a few rats so i hid myself out of sight and had sat for 10 mins without a rat showing itself THEN! out of the corner of my eye i see a movement at the top of next doors garden and couldnt believe my eyes,it was alad in his mid 20,s breaking the door in and rummaging around! i quietly sneaked up with a nice bit of wood in my hand and took my coat off [just in case] i climbed the fence and as he came out of the broken door i smacked the twat in the face with the wood he dropped a sprayer and a hammer and clutched his face .his lip had burst and i tried to force a fight out of him but he was a sniveling coward ,im not one for coppers or owt so i booted him a few times and he ran away and all this on a bloody saturday afternoon! well just a two legged rat lads and sorry no pics this time

    i would of done more than kick the twat a couple of times, where is your garden?

  4. just after listening to the radio on the way home from a meeting today, and i heard the dj's chatting about past childhood experiences,


    and what books they liked, so what book makes you think on your childhood,


    For me one was moonfleet, And the other believe it or not was the SAS survival handbook...lol loads of info...


    and some of the ladybird books while learning how to read.. puss in boots was one...lol







    Kes, quality

  5. Hi all just bought a Border Terrier bitch, i want it for bushing and also a bit of ratting, the reason i chose a Border over the Terrier breeds is thy seem to be a lot quieter, (neighbours problems)do thy make good working dogs,sensibly replies please.

    ive got two and cant fault them , both from workers not the best looking borders ive seen but they do there job and do it well.100% earth dogs.They are also very quiet in the yard.

  6. alright, i was having a few pints with my uncle on Sunday and he was telling me about his Sealyham x Russell's he used to keep back in the late 80's - early 90's, he claims they they were hardy, reliable and all round corking little dogs, just wanting to learn a little bit more about them and i was wondering if there is any of these kicking about these days hopefully some of you can help me.


    cheers ryan

    a mate of mine has few in and swares by them. excellent grafters ive seen them on.hebburn area


    i live 5 mins away from hebburn are you from the area too mate ?

    sealyham x irish bull, strong little feckers ony fault a ittle to hard, im in sunderand

  7. alright, i was having a few pints with my uncle on Sunday and he was telling me about his Sealyham x Russell's he used to keep back in the late 80's - early 90's, he claims they they were hardy, reliable and all round corking little dogs, just wanting to learn a little bit more about them and i was wondering if there is any of these kicking about these days hopefully some of you can help me.


    cheers ryan

    a mate of mine has few in and swares by them. excellent grafters ive seen them on.hebburn area

  8. Im looking forward to prize fighter, will be good.


    How many fights did you win?


    Iv been training for about 18months now and hopefully having my first bout in the new year

    won 16 drew 3 lost 8 , loved it and still do, i was at a sportmans dinner just last night and nicky piper was the guest speaker he was canny crack..

    good luck in the new year, keep yer chin up. :thumbs:

  9. Anybody do any boxing on here?

    used to a long time ago, 27 fights amateur, i also used to sponsor ryan kerr a scottish born fighter boxing out of sunderland at the time. three of my mates are pro, a local lad hughes is having a go at prizefighter this weekend and has drawn sprott in his first bout, hard fight..

  10. Hi, I have an infestation of rats under my shed and need some advice please :icon_redface:


    I have a monarch trap which the clever sods have avoided for nearly a week now. It is baited with dog food and hidden amongst plastic bags to camouflage it. Am I better off getting rid of the bags, etc. and just placing it in corner or something?


    Any good advice is appreciated


  11. We all try our best.

    Anything more than this is quite impossible. I know some may find this hard to comphrehend but, we do have a life outside this site. :wacko: Yes, i know that some of these "lives" (my own included) are of insignificant worth, but, they are still lives.

    Now we can all winge and moan about this site, but i can guarentee 100% that nothing will ever be perfect. Indeed, sometimes we may be a little slow when dealing with a dodgy post, or maybe something is borderline and we need to consult each other to try and reach a fair and benevolent decision. That's life. I also urge all the members to keep hitting the report button and we will do our best to look into all of these.

    Keep on keeping on guys.....JD.




    p.s. Artic. You seem to attribute very little to this site save, perhaps, for negative vibes and lots of moaning. If you feel so strongly about it being so shoddily ran then please pm me immediately and we can attain a conclusion to your obvious dislike of this site. THL is only one of a mulititude of hunting site, please feel free to join somewhere else if you feel aggrieved. Many thanks.


    EXACTLY.. :clapper:

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