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Posts posted by FAT CITY

  1. are you able to shoot air guns were you are at bro? :drink:


    yeah, but you have to have your gun licence to own one and for that you ahve to be 18 :glare:

    ahh don't worry give it time .get your license and you will be on your way

  2. he'll be pouting all week now!


    Get in the car and drive up then Fat City, Gurdy would love to play with some Nutria I am sure!!!! After her fox the other day these should be a breeze...



    ok the cat is out of the bag :whistling: I was walking with one of my bull dogs the other day and she ran one gray fox and put another to ground :clapper: well I plug up the whole and wait for luna to get back from her race with the other gray and see if she would enter she was to big to enter the pipe. oh yeah the whole is like an artifical earth it has about a 12ft tube that runs to a 4ft deep stop that has a man hole cover that is by my new place it is an old retention pond that is not used any more.any ways i go back home and get the black dogs . well I am heading back with gurddy and leroy and I am in the field with the two dogs and it empty no orchard nothing flat land about 20 achers and we are in the middle of this field and my dumb a$$ is like let them off the lead we are almost there to the pond well low and behold a big a$$ jack and the race is on!! Gurddy and Leroy are on this jack from the gate I mean the jack did not have the fair play of 100yrds so they were on his a$$ but he made to the edge of the field in to some natrual earths :wallbash::wallbash: like I said "dumba$$" I had no digging tools with me .well leroy comes runnig back and I throw him on a lead and stake him out as soon as i get to the edge of the field gurddy is no wares to be found and there are holes all along the edge of the field well I settle in and do the waiting game, well she is under like an hour and pops out one of the holes and i am like here gurddy and she just goes back in she does this like three times it was a funny seen well i finaly got her and this was about two hours later it looked like she had been chewed on pretty good .I look her over and she looks no worse for ware so were of to the pond to look at the gray we get to the opening and i stake out the dogs . I let leroy off first he does not want to enter so I enter gurddy and she is off like a rocket strait in to the hole she starts baying really hard for about a minute and them all goes silent all you could here was faint gasping and sratching and banging about in the tube so I wait for a bout 15min of this and I dont her one bad thing out of gurddy she is steady and mute at her job at hand . at this point I open the man hole cover and look in the hole and the fox is looking straight at me trying to get away from gurddy and make it to the stop end gurddy was not having that and was keeping it in the tube . well like I said earlyer dumb a$$ I let leroy off and now he enters but that was a bad move because he could not get around gurddy luckly he came back out so i put him in on the stop end and let him get a little work in I think he might in prove with some more one on one time all in all I am really happy with my gurddy



  3. he'll be pouting all week now!


    Get in the car and drive up then Fat City, Gurdy would love to play with some Nutria I am sure!!!! After her fox the other day these should be a breeze...



    ok the cat is out of the bag :whistling: I was walking with one of my bull dogs the other day and she ran one gray fox and put another to ground :clapper: well I plug up the whole and wait for luna to get back from her race with the other gray and see if she would enter she was to big to enter the pipe. oh yeah the whole is like an artifical earth it has about a 12ft tube that runs to a 4ft deep stop that has a man hole cover that is by my new place it is an old retention pond that is not used any more.any ways i go back home and get the black dogs . well I am heading back with gurddy and leroy and I am in the field with the two dogs and it empty no orchard nothing flat land about 20 achers and we are in the middle of this field and my dumb a$$ is like let them off the lead we are almost there to the pond well low and behold a big a$$ jack and the race is on!! Gurddy and Leroy are on this jack from the gate I mean the jack did not have the fair play of 100yrds so they were on his a$$ but he made to the edge of the field in to some natrual earths :wallbash::wallbash: like I said "dumba$$" I had no digging tools with me .well leroy comes runnig back and I throw him on a lead and stake him out as soon as i get to the edge of the field gurddy is no wares to be found and there are holes all along the edge of the field well I settle in and do the waiting game, well she is under like an hour and pops out one of the holes and i am like here gurddy and she just goes back in she does this like three times it was a funny seen well i finaly got her and this was about two hours later it looked like she had been chewed on pretty good .I look her over and she looks no worse for ware so were of to the pond to look at the gray we get to the opening and i stake out the dogs . I let leroy off first he does not want to enter so I enter gurddy and she is off like a rocket strait in to the hole she starts baying really hard for about a minute and them all goes silent all you could here was faint gasping and sratching and banging about in the tube so I wait for a bout 15min of this and I dont her one bad thing out of gurddy she is steady and mute at her job at hand . at this point I open the man hole cover and look in the hole and the fox is looking straight at me trying to get away from gurddy and make it to the stop end gurddy was not having that and was keeping it in the tube . well like I said earlyer dumb a$$ I let leroy off and now he enters but that was a bad move because he could not get around gurddy luckly he came back out so i put him in on the stop end and let him get a little work in I think he might in prove with some more one on one time all in all I am really happy with my gurddy


  4. Fat City, just wondering and not to cause any problems, but......have you ever taken any 40 to 50 pounders with terriers?


    Hoss, you ain't new to the game, you ever seen a wild 40-50lb coon?


    Fatcity, I would never call you a liar, but I have not seen a coon even close to 50lbs in my entire life, nor has my father who hunted coons for 20 years, before I was born. Got one that I believe was 38lbs I caught trapping and was actually weighed. 50lb coons would kill all my dogs........


    Rolly, like some people would say....I've been around the block a time or two in my day. ;) The two largest coon I have personally seen on a scale was 48 and 42 pounds. The biggest we have taken with the terriers was 38# on a 4 1/2 hour dig, and we lost the dog later due to injuries. The 48 pounder we got some 38 years ago when hunting was a little different than now. We get a few each year in the mid 30 range, but they are also getting fewer and futher between. I know there are alot of big coon around, but I also have been around some and have to question the fact that 40 to 50 pounders are common in any part of the US. You may run across one once in a while maybe, but would hate for the people across the pond to think we have these "Monster Jurassic Coon" running amuck over here!


    Take care,

    never said they were common.just that is was not unheard of them to get this size. and what wrong with the guys on the other side of the poundthinking about these monsters lol :drink:

  5. we have a bitch that had pups last week, she has been very unwell since she had them and the vet thinks she could have parvo. the pups are 1 week old and we have taken them off the mother and put them onto another bitch that has just finished rearing a litter herself. the 2nd bitch has taken the pups in and will allow them to suckle but she is not as interested in them as she was in her own pups and they are not thriving like the first litter did.i was wondering if any of you experianced breeders out there could tell me if there is a milk formula for pups that we could give to them as to supplement their feeding?
    bad luck mate, go to a agiculture suppler and get calf/lamb milk suppliment it will have doses etc on it , not cheap but will get them thru to lapping, i would be more worried over the bitch re parvo and passing it on , good luck

    the calf/lamb stuff is the ticket how many pups ? iask becuase it is a lot of work with a big litter

    good luck and post some pic's if they make it :drink:

  6. Fat City, just wondering and not to cause any problems, but......have you ever taken any 40 to 50 pounders with terriers?


    Hoss, you ain't new to the game, you ever seen a wild 40-50lb coon?


    Fatcity, I would never call you a liar, but I have not seen a coon even close to 50lbs in my entire life, nor has my father who hunted coons for 20 years, before I was born. Got one that I believe was 38lbs I caught trapping and was actually weighed. 50lb coons would kill all my dogs........

    well got to blue collars board and look in the brush and barn hunting and look at the one that my bulls got . the one with my male bull is or should i say was a 40lber and my partner has one that was mounted that was a 50lber I don't know what it is they just get big around here (norcal centralvalley) .

  7. Now a small, spannable dog with drive would have gotten there too, but with 35lb coons not uncommon where I hunt and few groundhogs, a "real" small terrier unless a total bayer will likely get killed.


    Obviously you have developed an opinion not based on experience. I have seen to many XXXL coon harvested in front of small terriers to agree that a big hard terrier is the only ticket for them.


    Don't worry about my experience BredtoHunt, that I've got. A small HARD terrier is not the best tool for XXXL coons. They will eventually get killed. Unless you are right there to help them, they will not overcome a jumbo coon. A bayer type is a must, if you MUST use a small dog. I've seen little 12lb JRT's "harvest" raccoons with lots of help from the hunter. Someplaces you can't help out right away, so I prefer a rough mixer to get the coon to move.


    You are right to, a large terrier is not the only ticket, I didn't mean it that way. But this thread wasn't about style of hunting the terriers do, just size and a small HARD terrier will not last long in the game of big, mean, coon hunting. That's from experience.....

    I think that it depends on what kind of mood the coon is in becuase I have seen them go eazy and i have seen them go hard :boxing: coon are some rugged a$$ son of a B#$ch's just depends if your dog can take the stick.one of my dogs is about 16in and compeletly spandableand my other one is 10in and she has a tuff time getting in with some digging on her part but must of the holes were Iam at are to small anyways squirell size. most of the coons taken are found brush piles and barns and old buildings and trees but for what we do i like a good sized dog to handel some of these big @$$ coons and we get some big ones 40lb's and 50lbers are not unherd of and who ever said any dog can get coons you are right but can they bring it home for you is the? :hunter::drink:

  8. There must be great money in pups.I never sold a pup in my life gave them away for nothing to good terrier men.i get worried for the working terrier when i see people trying to sell pups on this forum.Money never bothered me when it came to dogs the dogs were more important



    Thats a great attitude towards working dogs, of course they are more important than money, high price's dont mean you will get the best dog's, its the work the handler put's into his dog that bring's the best out of the dog.

    hey have you been reading some of my old post :drink:

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