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Posts posted by mikeyranson

  1. Ratting locations required

    We are the newly formed London and South East Rat Pack where we have working terriers and lurchers to attend farms, stables, poultry units and so on for pest control measures.

    We are looking to make contact from any owners of the above so that we can visit to help control your vermin problems. Activity will be mainly weekends. This is a completely free service to you.

    I am an ex-farmer with full understanding and respect for other peoples property, farms and the countryside.

    If you are interested in offering us your premises, then please get in touch.

    Looking at all London & Home Counties. Other areas considered


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  2. Any organised ratting teams around london or the home counties that can let me and a relative join you.?

    I'm an ex-farmer of welsh origin, now living in london where ratting was my favourite farm sport years ago. We had annual events then on various farms where a group of us with dogs would spend a weekend on eachothers farms ratting.

    I dont have dog myself but willing to be part of a team and muck in to catch rats. I can bring my own shovel or fork.

    Dont mind travelling out of london for a couple of hours for a good days fun. let me know of your locationa nd we can take it from there and make a plan.

  3. Hi all,

    newbie to the forum here. I'm south wales origin but now living in london. I'm from a farming background where i still have a huge interest and passion for the country and farming industry. I left the industry 30 years ago where i have worked on the railways since. I may have left the agricultural industry but my heart has always been in it where i regulaly attend all farming/country shows where i can.

    My reason for joining the forum is to seeking organised ratting groups for myself and a relative to join up with to go ratting. Neither of us have dogs but want to be part of a team to enjoy weekend sporting meets for rats. This was my favourite farm sport back in my day where a group of famers and friends would attend various farms through the winter ratting for pest control but really for fun.

    If anyone around London or in any of the home counties to London have organised weekend events, then can you please get back to me and let us know of your next meets. Obviously nothing going on at the moment due to the virus but lets plan ahead, Travel is not an issue. Dont mind driving the hour and half outside london for good regular meets.

    many thanks

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