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Posts posted by fastdog

  1. i have a 3 and half year old greyhound salukie bitch when she in season i take her to my mates as he has a very good dog but she just wont stand she flurts and lookes like she gona stand but when the dog tries to mount she keeps dodgeing and wont let him on i took her on the 12th day and the day after and the day after that but no joy has eney one had this problem with there bitch?? please let me know thanks lads :wallbash:

    i have heard travel pills used to calm a nervis bitch but you would have to run that past a VET before trying firstly i would look at we things like are his nails hurting her etc good luck its never easy if you want it to happen :thumbs:

  2. Too often, we loose sight of lifes simple pleasuers. remember when someone annoys you it takes

    42 muscles in your face to frown,BUT,it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and b!tch

    slap that mother f!cker up side the head...


    pass my advise on lol


    all the best georgia x

    :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:

  3. Just how deep does this prejudice go? So you wouldn't buy a dog from Hancock, but would you buy a dog from a lurcher to lurcher mating that had a 'Hancock' in it's breeding?

    no prejudice just disapointment in a man not dogs if that makes sense i am always up front and just expect the same back not a lot to ask.after all he was more than happy to take my money i hope you do not condone that practice :thumbdown:

  4. shall i bite the bullet then lads ive no luck finding a lurcher of here .shall i go to hancock or hang on abit i would consider other x but no bull up to 5/6 months old

    hi i went to hanCOCK had problem with the training so gave him a bell for advice before i could finish what i had to say he said if it,s your money back your to late i thought he was an ok bloke but that changed my mind pronto if you want a dog go to a dog man not a farmer i wish you all the best



    Perhaps that answers the whole Hancock thing? Alot of the people who buy from him can't actually train a dog? Not haveing a personal dig but I think

    that is the case with alot of the failures. You admit that you were having trouble training the pup but why call the breeder? Now hancock is a twat and all hancock dogs are shite? If you had no training issues hancock would be great.


    Sometimes people need to look closer to home me thinks :whistling:

    i have trained a few gun dogs in my time with good results plus whippet crosses with results i was proud of i drove from inverness area to choose the bitch and two weeks time went back down to pick her up .this is the fist collie bred i have trained after all the time and money i spent i thought the man could shine some light on the matter for me after all i would do same for anyone yes it is all up to me to train the dog but all i asked for was some help i do not no it all but i do try best for the dog sorry if i have offended you or anyone else but i was very offended by hancocks after sale service

  5. shall i bite the bullet then lads ive no luck finding a lurcher of here .shall i go to hancock or hang on abit i would consider other x but no bull up to 5/6 months old

    hi i went to hanCOCK had problem with the training so gave him a bell for advice before i could finish what i had to say he said if it,s your money back your to late i thought he was an ok bloke but that changed my mind pronto if you want a dog go to a dog man not a farmer i wish you all the best



    Well,...I'm sorry that things have not worked out mate.... :hmm:


    A capable guy such as yourself must surely of been on the drink to even consider asking a commercial breeder (and not a schooler of lurchers) for advice on 'training' :doh:


    AS for Collie lurchers,..there are a few litters being bred all through the year..

    They are not every-one's cup of tea,.but most enthusiasts would rather see them go to keen lads as opposed to breeding the critters simply to earn some vonga...


    It often pays to 'sit back,..and wait'..... :thumbs:


    All the best,.CHALKWARREN.... :drink:


    "Right you girls,.who is up for it " :laugh:







    yes i was a fool and now i am stuck but is coming on now with hard work and NO input from the BREEDER http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/style...icons/icon8.gif


  6. shall i bite the bullet then lads ive no luck finding a lurcher of here .shall i go to hancock or hang on abit i would consider other x but no bull up to 5/6 months old

    hi i went to hanCOCK had problem with the training so gave him a bell for advice before i could finish what i had to say he said if it,s your money back your to late i thought he was an ok bloke but that changed my mind pronto if you want a dog go to a dog man not a farmer i wish you all the best

  7. On the subject of 10 second kills, I've just googled to find out the average weight of a fox. Average for a dog fox in the uk is 14lbs (one stone?). Why is it so hard to believe that a dog weighing up to 5 times as much, can kill a fox nearly instantly? Granted it might not happen every time, but it wouldn't take much to break the foxes neck with one good strong bite in the right place & one or two good shakes. (Pre ban of course!)

    best reply so far now my say if 10lb jr with week mouth fact it is my dog nails a rabbit in a purse net that rabbit can be dead in 1 or 2 seconds by one bite to the ribs end result burst hart and lungs broken back so i cant see how a70lb bull x cant manage the same result rember rabbit is around 3lb so you can :gunsmilie:all do your maths plus i hope bull x have stronger mouth than my jr :gunsmilie::whistling:


    I agree. Why is it so hard to believe that a bull x can dispatch a fox in under 10 seconds? Has anyone seen a hound kill a fox pre ban, they are pretty quick and I should imagine a good bull x with a strong bull head would have more jaw strength than the average foxhound.


    Sorry just another silly statement head size dont equate with jaw power!

    can you not read i have stated the jr is weak mouthed it just sounds like you just want to argue or wind up not good bnm :icon_eek:

  8. On the subject of 10 second kills, I've just googled to find out the average weight of a fox. Average for a dog fox in the uk is 14lbs (one stone?). Why is it so hard to believe that a dog weighing up to 5 times as much, can kill a fox nearly instantly? Granted it might not happen every time, but it wouldn't take much to break the foxes neck with one good strong bite in the right place & one or two good shakes. (Pre ban of course!)

    best reply so far now my say if 10lb jr with week mouth fact it is my dog nails a rabbit in a purse net that rabbit can be dead in 1 or 2 seconds by one bite to the ribs end result burst hart and lungs broken back so i cant see how a70lb bull x cant manage the same result rember rabbit is around 3lb so you can :gunsmilie:all do your maths plus i hope bull x have stronger mouth than my jr :gunsmilie::whistling:

  9. this is a small show still in its infancy. classes for all types rosettes and prizes in all classes also a chance to enter your own lurcher into the coursing demonstration .directions are 3 miles east from Forres on the A96 Inverness to Aberdeen road . it would be nice if to meet some of you face to face :wallbash: i nearly forgot there is a beer tent if you want to buy me a pint :whistling: ..this is one of the largest horse shows in UK..with lots of stalls to keep the family happy..feel free to PM me :victory: :victory:

  10. Scats country stores, I think there only in the soth of england though.


    Light weight, strong, with a little flex, nice flat top for pushing in and a good spike.


    I've yet to have many rabbits hit one, to see how well the poles hold up, but that should change this weekend ;)

    i just go round the golf courses and ask for any old poles use a bench grinder to point them they are very strong but i would tape up the tops to stop fiber scelfs :drink:

  11. well i suppose if your dog cant catch them ....and you want some for the table ..then thats proberly the best way to catch them ..better than shooting them .....what part of the country do you live in to have such vast land with gates ....??????or another choice woulb be to invite sombody with a dog that can catch them ...... :D

    far north if your dog can do it come on up if you have good reference ie from cw :drink: :drink:

  12. well i suppose if your dog cant catch them ....and you want some for the table ..then thats proberly the best way to catch them ..better than shooting them .....what part of the country do you live in to have such vast land with gates ....??????or another choice woulb be to invite sombody with a dog that can catch them ...... :D

    far north if your dog can do it come on up if you have good reference ie from cw :drink: :drink:

  13. Yes fastdog your right I would have no idea how to train a dog to do such a riciculous task as run hares out of a 50 acre field into a gate what probably would not be there. Do you realise just how big a 50 acre field is?

    i used 50 acre of the top of my as an exsample that i would not wont to the leg work and yes i do know how big 50 acre field is unlike your no how on training

    so dont try to be a smart ass i was only in my mind asking a simple question :boxing::gunsmilie:

  14. i suppose everybody has there way off hunting ...but why not get a dog that can catch them :D ......iam a bit byest i suppose but netting hares :no: ....cant be much satisfaction in that ................are they a problem these hares ......

    no mate i just good eating hares plus i have a keeper wanting some live

  15. A fifty acre field with no other escape routes but a gate what the hare is gona head for. Good luck :laugh:

    i take it by your answer you dodged the question and don,t no how to train the lurcher 2 birds with one stone i said the dog is first cross i don,t think its ever

    going to be a hare catching dog :icon_eek:

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