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Posts posted by Cornwall2018

  1. Hi all, 

    I've always been interested in birds of prey, but until now haven't had the funds or the time to pursue it. 

    I've been doing hours of reading over the last few days, and from that bit of research I've done, deducted that the best bird for somebody with as little experience as me is a male, parent reared Harris Hawk. Feel free to correct that if it's not right!

    The first thing to say is I'm in no rush, whilst I've had experience with an array of animals in my life, this would be my first foray into birds of prey. I'm more than happy to do the research and have a solid plan before I leap in.

    Now, the first stumbling block I've reached is due to my location in Cornwall. I'd been hoping to do a beginners course but the only one down here is not intended for potential falconers, just those wanting a closer look. Is it better to look for a mentor? Does anyone know of any down in Cornwall? 

    The second thing is dogs, I have three terriers, not hunting dogs, just pets. Is it easy enough to get a Hawk used to dogs? 

    Third thing, and final for now, accommodation and living. I do not live rurally, I live in a very built up area. I have a large garden and I have plenty of access to beautiful countryside though. My garden is all made out to slate, wood and astro turf, no natural grass, is that likely to be a problem? I have a very large shed, that currently doubles as a gym, fully watertight and  insulated. Would it be okay to build a mews inside this? And have a separate 'run' outside for weathering? 

    Thanks for any advice, it'd be gratefully received.

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