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Posts posted by NatAlexander

  1. She's still really active, in her mind she's still a young un but that's the problem she's chasing my new pup round and then on a evening she regrets it big time. Will defo give the exercises ago cheers!


    Dustyj what's the brand of the joint supplement? She was on turmeric before but it didn't seem to make a difference, maybe if it's alongside the supplement she will benefit

  2. Hope this is in the right forum?


    My bitch has aged a lot this last year she's 11 and is starting to show signs of arthritis in her hips, mainly on 1 side.

    She runs round yard all day like pup but on a evening/ colder days she's pretty sore getting up and down etc. Just wondered if anyone knows of a good supplement or pain relief I could give her?




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