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Posts posted by Patrol

  1. Thanks Guys


    I normally have a hob myself. He passed on last year, all my lot (15) of em, they all have 2 check ups with the vet pre and post main season, I really look after my lot as they are really good workers and I've kept the same line for years albeit watered down with selected new blood.


    I'll whip em down the vets in the week, ( that will liven the vets up a bit ) For a jab, prefer the natural way hence thread





  2. Foxes, rabbits, squirrels whatever you are reducing, my policy is to inspect them, remove them and dispose of them with care and responsibly


    Throwing them in a ditch creates problems down the line and if Joe public see a Carcase of any sort it's another mark up against the shooting fraternity, it's so easy to clear up behind you, takes five minutes at the most, keep it tidy no one knows you've been apart the absence of targeted species


    The landowner on a bit I have permission on goes out with his mate and leaves 30 or 40 rabbits lying around all over the farm where the footpaths are nearby, the complaints he gets are numerous


    If you clear all debris away and tell the farmer your tally for the night and say you've cleared all signs up of being there he'll appreciate that far better than a complaint from the numerous walkers and footpath users finding shot animals



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