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Posts posted by robinhood

  1. If you dont vote conservative nothing will change.


    the ban has affected organised hare coursing and organised fox hunting most


    most common lurcher men still course their dogs


    if you vote tory it will mean fox hunting and hare coursing might come back in some form, but to appease the metropolitan voter the common lurcher/terrier man will be hammered at every opportunity


    the impact on the common man with either be nill or we'll be hunted and penalised more heavily

  2. next well be getting pitbull/italian greyhound.

    ha ha ha ha


    Taken from an article written in 1938


    "In Staffordshire, where bull-terriers govern the canine horizon, the greyhound (he's referring to the Italian Greyhound) was occasionally mated with a small bull-terrier, producing a blue-tan puppy, which was rather like the blue terrier once popular in London, and known as a "blue Peter."




    lesson: think before you flame someone's thread

  3. aye I've fished it

    plenty of jack pike not sure about the perch

    bit overfished by neds killing the big pike

    deadbait the only way to fish it unless you've got a boat alhough I've never seen a boat there

    if you want free pike fishing go to loch errochty near pitlochry well worth the trip and you'll likely get fish to 12 pound average weight about 8, its not a deadbait water though -too snaggy, mepps and bucktails

  4. how much you willing to pay ? :whistling:


    Im quite happy to pay up to about £150 if its value for money. I'm using a Diawa Whisker Spin at the moment, good rod but it is quite a solid action.


    Has anyone used the Greyflex Bait rod?


    Cheers for the replies so far.



    never used the greyflex but have had a go of my mates worming rod made on a harrison blank by a professional rod builder

    cost less than 150 all in

    ask dave lumb to build you one he'll know which blank you mean or harrisons will


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