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Posts posted by islayhawk

  1. Hi everybody

    I am looking to buy a pair of binos, but I cant make up my mind on what to buy.

    I am looking for a pair that would do for birdwatching, stalking etc. ie not too heavy for carrying around all day

    I am told that 7x40 or 8x40 are large enough.

    I have a budget of no more than £100

    What advice can any forum member give me.

  2. Yeah friend dof mine tried it last week, still in hospital :tongue2::clapper::clapper:


    Mmm! shame about your friend. Maybe he should have asked for advice like I have.

    However a physics expert has shown me that it can be done. Simply the case of forming 3 or 4 parallel banks of 4 batteries in series. This gives an output of 6volts with an Ah of about 4. With 6v low watt bulbs this will give approx 8hrs. More than adequate for lamping with an airgun. Tape the batteries together and VIOLA!!! a nice light battery pack that can be taped to the butt of the gun.



  3. Has anyone ever modified a Cordless drill battery to use for lamping. I have a broken drill and I was thinking of using the batteries for my lamping kit. the idea was to strip the single cell batteries out of it and tape the correct number together to make the correct voltage. They would be light enough to attach to my gun butt. However I do not know if they would have the power (aH). Has anyone ever tried it.



  4. listen my dear fellows......air arms are great pellets the best ive used i tested acuppel through crono and aa diablo every rifle i gut the aa come out at more ft lb then the acuppel and they are very clean kill pellets try them mybee you like to


    Thanks for that info. I left it up to the suppliers discretion what they supplied instead. They did mention AA diablo so I will give them a try- thanks



  5. I placed an order yesterday for Crossman Accupels. Company phoned today to inform me that they cannot get them as Crossman have stopped making a number of pellets. I was told that ASI have taken over and they are not allowed to sell them. Is this true?



  6. One of my son -in -laws friends is the owner of a BSA Super 10. He has been in jail in the past

    and as he is sometimes in trouble, his girlfriend handed the gun into the local Police Station. However he is willing to sell the gun to my son -in- law and has given him a receipt for the gun and a letter confirm the change of ownership. However the Police say the gun has to be destroyed because of the fact he was in jail and should not have been in possesion of the gun.This I know is true. But the gun to be destroyed-

    Is this correct?



  7. I dont know why I went to tele. sights. Just for lamping I suppose. I have always in the past used open sights. I have had Relum tornados, webleys, BSA's,Weirach. My favourite gun was the fenwerbau sport - with the open sights it was deadly. I am now using the hw77. I am going to go back to the open sights but at the moment I do not have one for it as I lost it in moving house. I have looked on ebay etc but have not found one yet. If anyone has one for sale I would be interested. I think everybody should go back to open sights occasionally just to keep there options opens. and it is a lot more fun



  8. My friend owns a small farm and every year is plagued by hooded crows pecking the eyes and tongues from lambs and ewes. He sets a larson trap and does everything legally ie keeping the decoy with water and food etc. I would like to know what right does our local RSPB warden have to come onto his land - which is private and spring the trap, leaving the perches on top of the trap. In this instance there was no decoy in the trap or I am sure he would have let it go. Do these mindless people have no idea of the damage these birds do. Do any other members have the same problem.

  9. Catching pheasants without a gun is quite easy. I used to use pepper and barley. Sprinkle the pepper and barley on a flat stone. When the pheasant comes to eat the barley the pepper makes him sneeze and he bangs his head off the stone. Presto!! dead pheasant.

    On a serious note - I use chicken wire rolled into a cylinder about 3ft long and 6"-8" diameter and close off one end. Sprinkle barley or whatever around the mouth of the cylinder and inside it. Put bracken etc over the cylinder to hide it from prying eyes. Birds will not walk backwards - and there we have it!! trapped pheasant. Works everytime



  10. I don't think the majority of city people understand the ways of the country and all the traditions that have gone on there for hundreds of years. Most of them only see rabbits as cute little bunnies in story books. They do not realize just how much damage these animals cause. They have never probably seen a Rabbits slow lingering death from Myxamatosis. It is these people and the massively populated areas they live in that the MP's target in there election agendas. I know many people from cities that follow Field Sports and it is these people and the people from the country who do more for conservation by tried and tested methods than any MP sitting at his desk and earning fat pay cheques could hope to achieve in his lifetime. People involved in field sports are always striving to find ways of killing their quarry quickly and cleanly by coming up with new traps etc. But since man started to walk upright the snare has been probably the quickest means of trapping ever evolved. Banning this will probably lead to more poisons been laid and with that the devastaing impact to wild life that we are all aware off.



  11. I asked an old Gamekeeper many years ago how to stop a ferret biting. "I found" he said jokingly -"if you cut off its tail, that will cure it - preferably from just behind the head"


    I have recently just lost lost one off my jills and she never bit. The one I have left occasionally tries a nip but she has never caught me yet however it is only a matter of time. I am a believer in the knuckle in the mouth and have found this has worked in the past.

  12. I can sympathise. Cleaned out hutch two days ago - it was ok. Yesterday she was great - eating ok, lively. My best little ferret. This morning- dead!. Like yours, she was two years old. My other ferret which is in a separate hutch is ok. I have always had ferrets and I have lost some in the past but they have shown some kind of illness. But not this one. I cannot understand it. I have buried her beside my old whippet 'Misty'

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