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Posts posted by ferretingnewbie

  1. I've just seen a post on gumtree for labradors. I no there not the cheapest dog but since when did one cost £2000? Although the add does say that they are charcoal and champagne not yellow and black, maybe that's what the price is for??

    £2000 for a fu****g puppy! F**k me

  2. i would get ready to scruff it or stick your finger down it's throat as you said you know when to expect it.

    Dropping it or letting it go after it biting you is letting it do what it wants.

    If your scared of getting bit put some gloves on but don't put it down or let it go if it bites or you will be rewarding bad behaviour.


    I'm not scared of getting bit she had done it a few times I think it's because they never held her. I've now tried the finger in the mouth and scruff on the neck, she ignores it and carrys on biting. I've tried feeding her first then holding her, let her have a few hours playing in the shed doing her own thing then trying to hold her aswell. She will let me pick her up but then tries to bite to let me drop her like I said before but no I don't let go just take the bite and all the things I've tried like mentioned but she won't stop. The new hob and my full hob get on like a house on fire. She won't have them near her or me at all. When I got them they were fed on dry food, nearly bald and what hair they did have was like wire. I've fed them raw git there hair and nails like they should be, the new ferret court will be ready in 2 weeks I'm hoping if she can run about all day constantly and being held every day should change her

  3. The 2 hours they have together there fine no fighting just playing. The jill nips still but it's a playfully nip, the hob I got is completely fine he just wants to be held. They never let them out the cage the year they had them. I've given them rabbit and pigeon so far and he will let me hold him as long as I want. She is a c##t she let's me hold her to get her out then tries to bite so I drop her and she can run away. Any advice on letting me hold her longer would help 2 thanks

  4. I got given a neutered hob and jill last weekend someone didn't want, they said they were pets fed only on dry food and can't be handled because they bite. I already have a working intire hob, had him about 2 years. He's about 5 now. They've been in separate cages but next to each other for a week now and keep "dooking"! Anyway I let them all play together the intire hob tried to shag the jill but she put him in his place and he stopped trying straight away, the natured hob let's him do what he wants to him. Is it safe yet to put them all together or will they fight when I'm Not there? At the moment they have 2 hours together all playing when I get home from work and I put them in aerate cages at night? Thanks for any advice

  5. Went out today, first day in a while. Took my hob and jill. It was the jills first time so went for some small Warren's to let her get used to it and let her follow the hob about.

    Nothing about for the first few but she was getting used to going in and coming back. After about 30 mins had a big buck rabbit out into the nets and nothing else left in there. Jill wasn't really that interested. The last one I went to was under a tree stump close to a ditch. Netted up and put her in. After about 20 mins nothing bolting and no sign of her or anything so I collared up the hob and put him in. Nothing again for about another 20 mins.

    The rabbit they had earlier I gutted that and put it by the hole to see if either would come back. Nothing still for another half hour but could hear squeeking.

    I looked with the finder to see where they were but as I did the hob come flying out with a rat pair of them scrapping in the net. I managed to get him back a bit bruised but ok stamped on the rat. Dug to the jill but she was already dead. Gutted!

  6. I just had to pay £45 for the vet to tell me what she thought it might be, £60 for her to take an injection from a lump and send it away, she said it was an absess, £150 for her to drain it, £30 for inflammatory pills and another £45 for a check up. It's a piss take

  7. As the title says. Is there anyone in East anglia who would let me tag along with them firstly to watch and get an idea for falconry.

    I've been very keen for a long time now, researched and read everything on this forum.

    Possibly then mentor if they would.

    I am a complete beginner!

    Thanks for any replys

  8. dont know what your complaint it but he looks a hand

    y wee dog

    Not a compliant at all, just saying over time I don't know where he gets it from. All of a sudden he's starting pointing. Normally he's straight in the hedge no matter what trying to get what's in there now he's just starting pointing at it. He won't go for anything unless I move towards it. Pheasant or rabbit. I havn't trained him to do it I was just wondering why he has starting to do it.

  9. <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid1379.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fah159%2Ffctmjonny%2FXiaoYing_Video_1479392976213_zps7vn9kzoo.mp4&title=">[/url



    http://rs1379.pbsrc.com/albums/ah159/fctmjonny/XiaoYing_Video_1479392976213_zps7vn9kzoo.mp4?w=160&h=160&fit=clip some reason he points now? Out of no where



  10. Took the ferrets out to a new permission yesterday.

    there's loads of new burrows in this horse school she had so put the nets down and ferrets in about 30 holes. Only 2 rabbits and they were quite young, so filled all the holes and moved on. When I got to the end of the yard there was a dead adult, no signs of mixy no blood on it or any injuries so threw it anyway.

    I put the 2 I caught in the car and had a look about. About an hour later I went and looked where I had filled in and there were another 2 rabbits trying to dig back in to what I had filled. As I walked over to them they tried to run but it's like there retarded. They couldn't run anywhere. They were kind of rolling and falling in a circle. I could pick them up. there's nothing on them they look fine. What could be wrong with them?

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