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ratting with three brothers

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it was this afternoon but cheers mate.id guess it took as long to get there as it did to catch the rats.i wish i had that sort of hunting every week.


total was 55.i think there could have been a couple more buried as we moved stuff about.either way i dont think ive ever killed as many rats in such a short time.

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Hi Phil, You seem to have great experience with hunting your Patterdales.


I have a 3/4 year old bitch. She was a rescue that we took on at about 5 months, she had almost no fur as she had almost complete demodectic mange, and had just avoided being put down because she has such a great personality. I had to do a lot of bathing and treatments on a very sick (uncontrollable!) puppy, as she had only spent her early months in kennels. She even spent a month in a cage at one point with just her head free so she couldn't scratch. She nipped hard with very nippy teeth for about 6 months.. I just bit her back one day as I was told she would realise she was hurting me. From then on she started being a bit more respectful!


It took 18months of intensive bathing and treatment to get this mange under control. Finally a top UK specialist told us to give her a close clipper cut back to the skin and follow a further 3 month treatment. During this time we only walked her on a long lead (for miles).


The thing is, she is now a fantastic Patterdale. Rough coat, born to run, dig, kill rats, and kill and eat rabbits.... when she can escape, which she has managed ever sneaky ways of bolting through the door when it is opened to get out and do what she is made for.


Our problem is that no matter how much we try to get her to come to call she stands there just far enough off to scarper off. She just wants to be out all day hunting, and I can see she wants me to go with her, because she comes to see where I am, as though she wants me to follow her!.


I also realise that for her to have a full life this is what I need to do with her.


Have you any advice where to start. I do not live in a place where hunting terriers is a sporting activity, although there are plenty of rats in the farmland and agricultural sheds.



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i owned the dam a plummer bitch which tracked a fox from a bankside across a field and into a drain where she died.ive never got over the loss of my best terrier :cry:


she died in the february and her daughter,a plummer terrier,was lost after an encounter to ground in the august.to lose two plummer bitches that you could actually have a dig to now and then in a year pretty much finished our plummer owning days.


i lined my bitch with a working nuttall terrier and produced the terriers above.the red dog did half a season in wales as a youngster but was rough with foxes and he was retired two seasons later. a real shame.


at least he can still go ratting and have a bit of fun.nothing strenuous for the little red s**t :clapper::clapper:

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