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Yep , decent . Someone who tells it like it is ,  from this day forth there is only two genders male and female lol. 

I think he hit the nail on the head in his speech when he said America has been diminished for years and I think it has in the collective mind…..but make no mistake, America is still the most powerful

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And so it begins.......

When I was in the states I met quite a few people who told me of "Sanctuary cities" places where ICE had no jurisdiction,get to one and your home and dry,get a house,get a job,put down roots,have a few "anchor" kids and your set for life.Donald is having none of it!!!

Listen to the gang-banger from Haiti with 17 convictions.....


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8 minutes ago, mackem said:

And so it begins.......

When I was in the states I met quite a few people who told me of "Sanctuary cities" places where ICE had no jurisdiction,get to one and your home and dry,get a house,get a job,put down roots,have a few "anchor" kids and your set for life.Donald is having none of it!!!

Listen to the gang-banger from Haiti with 17 convictions.....


What a great advert for Biden...lol...

That dude saying he loves Biden brilliant...got 17 convictions...lol

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5 minutes ago, TOMO said:

What a great advert for Biden...lol...

That dude saying he loves Biden brilliant...got 17 convictions...lol

"I'm not going back to Haiti"......Famous last words,lol.

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10 hours ago, scotty12 said:

34 years of age,young family and fully retiring in the summer not bad for someone who sits hiding in the bedroom with my tin of corned beef and out of date Duracell batteries. 

how you potray my life to be compared to what it is in reality is chalk and cheese me old mate ;) 


if your needing some  bait  for these elusive cats I've got some spare corn beef going lol 

i’ve only a couple a years on you scotty lol 

i thought you was an old timer i was intentionally miss a few lol

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6 hours ago, mackem said:

And so it begins.......

When I was in the states I met quite a few people who told me of "Sanctuary cities" places where ICE had no jurisdiction,get to one and your home and dry,get a house,get a job,put down roots,have a few "anchor" kids and your set for life.Donald is having none of it!!!

Listen to the gang-banger from Haiti with 17 convictions.....


That's a truly wonderful thing to see mack . Well done to Donald trump , and those brave and hard working snatch squads , and congratulations to all of the decent and honest American people .  They've just got someone that is on their side .

My God I wish we could get a decent and honest government in this country , that cared about us.

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10 hours ago, mackem said:

And so it begins.......

When I was in the states I met quite a few people who told me of "Sanctuary cities" places where ICE had no jurisdiction,get to one and your home and dry,get a house,get a job,put down roots,have a few "anchor" kids and your set for life.Donald is having none of it!!!

Listen to the gang-banger from Haiti with 17 convictions.....


Taking those 5 or 6 criminals out of the system will have saved at least one American persons life . Guaranteed one of those scumbags would have killed someone. 

It's about time criminals are treated like criminals and not used as a voting number or whatever the reason was they were allowed to stick around 



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5 minutes ago, scotty12 said:

He's deploying the army to the border 10,000 troops 

11 million PLUS illegals so he has a long journey ahead,let's see how he deals with that number.


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Trump has signed an Executive Order pausing overseas aid for 90 days to evaluate if the recipients are friendly to and have the same values as America. 
Only exceptions are Isreal and Egypt.


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