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Feral pigeons in a dairy

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Efforts to convert an old   parlour  for  milking goats  were thwarted by a hardcore group of  feral pigeons who refused to leave . The owner had tried chasing them out but they simply hid in the rafters. 

Time for the final solution .  Climbing into the loft over the parlour put me on the same level as the pigeons.  The little T200 was ideal in such cramped conditions. 20241103_110119.jpg.d75d5a8d13c94569901944b4fc2e439e.jpg Even so it took a while to account for nine  of the miscreants as they were aware of every nook and cranny .  It didn't  help that l was wearing a dust mask which made my glasses  periodically steam up😁20241103_195619.jpg.a4d068490052737094bb396c632511c5.jpg I was just mentally congratulating myself on having cleared the building when l heard a brief  drumming noise .   It stopped so l put it down to a bird on the roof or dodgy pipework .   

       No, there it was again ,so l clambered into the loft again and worked closer to the source. The culprit turned out to be a pigeon who had sought cover in a dry water tank. Not the most sporting of shots. . In fact if l could've  caught the sod l would've ,probably  released it outside. 20241104_174034.jpg.f81b15e64ad7a31921f1d10666d21310.jpg




Edited by comanche
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One of my favourite forms of shooting although I tend to shoot a good number of them on top of the various barn roofs at my dairy farm perm. A great pity that I was told no more shooting at this farm until at earliest Jan 25 due to cattle virus so nobody other than farm staff allowed at present, looking forward to next year and get back on the job. A summer evening knocking down ferals, crows and a few woodpigeon chucked for good measure, really good sport. I remember shooting a feral off the rooftop earlier this year and as it hit the ground one of the farm cats appeared from nowhere, grabbed the bird and disappeared again in what seemed to be a matter of seconds, really made me laugh to see this little fella geting his supper.


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