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Ridgebacks ?

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Hound x  coll/bull/grey... Sent up to a gentleman from Cumbria that bred fellhound x greys...pictures of them on here somewhere 👍

having owned many ridgebacks along with  foxhounds foxterriers Australian staghounds whippets and jack russells my main game being foxes and feral pigs my most favourite hunting trios have been one ri

In my early 20's I was living and working on a big golf course...every Sunday on my day off I used to go digging, gentleman that owned the place had a big Ridgeback bitch called Zena,used to tag along

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11 hours ago, Daniel cain said:

In my early 20's I was living and working on a big golf course...every Sunday on my day off I used to go digging, gentleman that owned the place had a big Ridgeback bitch called Zena,used to tag along with us,she would mark foxes to ground,in the 3yrs I was up there,that Ridgeback never gave a false mark,she was on par with lurchers I've owned for marking stuff to ground....she would join in and bust stuff up above ground,hell of a bite on the bitch TBF...and to this day,one of the scariest dogs to be around when it got dark,and it was in guard mode😬 would literally smash through doors to get outside if it heard a noise👍

Yeh mate  the old ridgeback  great guard dogs, but lot truth you say about ridgeback  bitches as guards. A neighbour  by me had 2 dog and bitch, and one day couple blokes acting  suspicious  outside his house,  well the big 95 lb male just barked  one and just stood there,  the 70 lb bitch chased the back to the car , lucky not to get ripped up lol  yeh bitches seem lot sharper than the males.

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11 hours ago, Daniel cain said:

In my early 20's I was living and working on a big golf course...every Sunday on my day off I used to go digging, gentleman that owned the place had a big Ridgeback bitch called Zena,used to tag along with us,she would mark foxes to ground,in the 3yrs I was up there,that Ridgeback never gave a false mark,she was on par with lurchers I've owned for marking stuff to ground....she would join in and bust stuff up above ground,hell of a bite on the bitch TBF...and to this day,one of the scariest dogs to be around when it got dark,and it was in guard mode😬 would literally smash through doors to get outside if it heard a noise👍

That sounds pretty typical of the bred Daniel especially of the night guarding part as the c**t that was trying to steel my car found out.

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12 hours ago, chartpolski said:

Excellent! I hope you don’t mind me lifting the pics from Boardogs ?


His pics are all over the net. He used to go crook if someone copied them until I explained how the net works. He real only go the shits with arseholes that claimed them as their owned. So you be right mate.

Edited by stevemac
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20 minutes ago, bird said:

Yeh mate  the old ridgeback  great guard dogs, but lot truth you say about ridgeback  bitches as guards. A neighbour  by me had 2 dog and bitch, and one day couple blokes acting  suspicious  outside his house,  well the big 95 lb male just barked  one and just stood there,  the 70 lb bitch chased the back to the car , lucky not to get ripped up lol  yeh bitches seem lot sharper than the males.

Yes the bitches are to a point but they like the back. Up from a big male though.

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6 minutes ago, stevemac said:

Yes the bitches are to a point but they like the back. Up from a big male though.

Did they  ever  cross  to staghounds or greyhounds  in Oz? A mate I know over here, had lurcher with 1/4 ridgeback  in think the rest  mainly  think whippet x grey, this was male he had think 26, good fox dog,  took few munjack  deer in the woods , a useful  type lurcher.

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One of the breeds of dog that I dislike. An ignorant dislike I admit as I've never seen examples properly working or in the hands of knowledgeable owners. The only ones I have seen have been owned by clueless fuckwits and was not impressed. Not the dog's or fault of the breed. Still don't see the need for them in the British Isles though as working dogs. But there may be a need for them if the big cats start to kick off. 

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50 minutes ago, bird said:

Yeh mate  the old ridgeback  great guard dogs, but lot truth you say about ridgeback  bitches as guards. A neighbour  by me had 2 dog and bitch, and one day couple blokes acting  suspicious  outside his house,  well the big 95 lb male just barked  one and just stood there,  the 70 lb bitch chased the back to the car , lucky not to get ripped up lol  yeh bitches seem lot sharper than the males.

That's what I like about Akitas, they very rarely bark at all, I can't remember the last time my dog barked. I hate dogs that yap and bark constantly.

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9 hours ago, big feet said:

That's what I like about Akitas, they very rarely bark at all, I can't remember the last time my dog barked. I hate dogs that yap and bark constantly.

I’m with you there can’t stand a noisy dog was walking along Weymouth seafront yesterday and couple going along with a cockerpoo type that was barking as it walked , everyone was staring I would of been telling it quiet or shut up ! 
most if the spitz breeds can be aloof with strangers that’s why they get a bad image . 

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