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Pike rod

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Anyone recommend a budget rod and reel for pike fishing on the canal for my lad , he's only 8 so thinking one them small 5ft rods that see on YouTube for jack pikes , we went the other day caught a couple ( by insane luck ) on a big old Carp rod with a tiny lure , don't want spend a fortune as it mite be a fad with him and die out after acouole month, if he stick to it I'll get him something decent , cheers 

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Have a look on that Temu mate,get him a little 6ft rod and baitcaster,loads of different lures and jellies,braid,metal traces etc on there, I bought myself a little baitcaster reel cost about £8🙈 no different to my boys Abu max reel,put some braid on it,a trace and your away,👍DSC_4760.JPG.874b29e2b4de2f106e4b505eb326022e.JPGDSC_6012.JPG.0a0643c4d9eeffafc4a6f416789cb87a.JPG

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1 hour ago, Elchapo said:

Them baitcaster easy use or better off with normal reel first ? 

 Stick with the reel if the little man's confident using it mate👍you may get  a few bird's-nests first few times you use a baitcaster🙈take the fun out of it😉

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1 hour ago, Borr said:

I wouldn't go too short ifyou've reeds and alike, pick up and cheap rod second hand on FB or something. Spinning rod with a reel. 


Shop Fishing Rod & Reel Combos from Angling Direct from major...


That little Abu rod and reel looks spot on👍

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15 hours ago, DIDO.1 said:

I think Woolworths do them....next to the pick and mix 

We used to shoplift most of our fishing  gear from Woolworth when we were kids the other two established fishing tackle shops in the town that even sold rabbit snares and purse net's  the thought never entered our heads to pinch anything out of them as an hiding from our fathers who all used the two shops would have followed .😂 

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Just bought myself a little spinning rod short of two meters with reel off temu. Smart rod short of 35 quid says should be around 100 quid. Bought a few little plugs and soft baits too. More for off pier & beach a will be using it for. Maybe go stalk a few chub too perch.. Might end up with a big old pike on. Bought this little gadget too that you screw onto your rod with spool of line to fill your reel. Might be a load of shite. But worth the try at a couple of quid saves the miss burning her fingers when re lining reels. Lol

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