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Pellets 5.51

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On 11/06/2024 at 11:20, mark williams said:

One of the best pellets in the .22 cal classic rifles is the Falcon Accuracy Plus range

Here's my .22 cal mk1 FWBSport reducing th damage cause t o the crops using the Falcon pellets 13.43g 5.52 back in the summer of 2017


            good luck buddy

                        atb. Mark

Falcon Accuracy Plus is JSB RS so if you can't get those Mark, you have an alternative in the RS.         Jimmy has a point.......................where have you left the Beretta shotgun 🤣🤣🤣

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5 hours ago, Deker said:

I'm getting the impression here, there is a generally good feeling about JSB!!!!

You are getting there Deker, on the right lines. I nomally buy my stock from either Ramsbottoms or Countryway gunshop, both of which really pake the tins and have never let me down.


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Mind i was suprised the other night 

Ran out of jsb and had to use AA pellets 

None of my rifles bar one hated them 

And the one that did like them 

Mind really liked them was the hw100

It was pin point accurate with them 

I no I no its a 100 but feck she was good really good 

I've not seen it shoot like that before 

Atvb Jimmy 👍 👍 👍 

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We all know the stories about pellets, and it is the same with bullets, even in the same type of gun, it seems tiny fractions here and there can make such a difference, that why I was reluctant to chance from AA to JSB!!

A few years back a pal bought a Remington 700 in .308 and was trying different ammo to find what suited it.   My exact same gun shot PPU 150g SP to 1inch easily, so he tried some, best he could get was about a 5inch group, simply didn't like them at all.

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