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Gun wanted

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Right chaps, my 9 year old grandson is badgering me for a pcp rifle. I have had him using a lovely little Daisy model 16 that Jimmy refurbed for me but he likes using my pcp, I am afraid that I now no longer have a sub 12 and an fac is not really suitable for garden plinking nor safe so I was thinking about one of these Chinese jobs from SMK as an entry level and he will only be able to use it with me so not every day. If anyone has anything they would like to sell (cheaply) please let me know so I can consider the outcome.


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1 hour ago, villaman said:

Did you sell your p35 phil they would be ideal 

Yes I did sell it and you are right it would have been ideal as he used it a couple of times and did quite well with it.  SMK do a cheapo bolt action rifle for about £200 but I cannot remember what the model is and I have a couple of small scopes so that would be a good little starter. My grandson is very slightly built and not so strong which is why I thought of these guns because he cannot hold a rifle still or anything close so a rest will be needed but at least it would get him started as they are very light in weight.

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13 hours ago, forest of dean redneck said:

Smk pr900 is pcp model .

Yes I think thats it.  I am going to the rfd on Wednesday so I will be having a look around in the back storage room to see what is tucked away.


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1 hour ago, Daniel cain said:

Look on pellpaxs website,they sell the smk pr900 as a full kit for £299 ,loads of other little starter kits for not alot of money 👍

Thanks Daniel, will do mate.

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