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18 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

Grebby, have you ever thought of posting something original, starting your own thread ?

I can see by the way you are always the antagonist on threads that you are probably educated and erudite, but I’m sure you could add to the site with positive posts. 
I don’t think you could add to the Lurcher and Running dog forum, but I’m sure you could be good for the General forum, so I don’t really understand why you are always out for a bite or a rise ?? 


What makes you think I am? I am being realistic and sensible mate,  not speaking from emotion and hyperbole.

A sensible and realistic approach is needed, something that the Tories are clearly incapable of doing. They can pass as many bills as they like and waste as much tax payers money whilst they are at it, they have not stopped the boats!

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mChullokov, leader of the Russian Steppes.  

I absolutely fail to understand why any European would be in the least bit bothered what happens to people who are part of a religious group that would happily see every European Christian dead !   

If people saw all the back room deals between the bankers,corporations,political class, and intelligence services to manufacture conflicts , no body would fight in any of these wars.

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1 hour ago, Leatherface said:

And do you think measures like stopping foreign aid would improve matters? 

Don’t care, none of them are ever going home, gaffs f****d.….thank f**k I don’t have to be there to see it. 

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5 hours ago, Leatherface said:

 If we rejected asylum seekers we would violate numerous international agreements and human rights conventions which could potentially bring legal challenges and even sanctions, it would damage our reputation mate.




fck the international agreements and fck the human rights conventions, fck the legal challenges and everything else thrown at us put this country and its people first and the rest can be sorted out, half of europe are changing their attitude towards the murderous raping hoards, fck them all I'd sink every boat off the french coast before the sea was waist high and the c@nts would be walking back to the beach

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7 minutes ago, Bakerboy said:

fck the international agreements and fck the human rights conventions, fck the legal challenges and everything else thrown at us put this country and its people first and the rest can be sorted out, half of europe are changing their attitude towards the murderous raping hoards, fck them all I'd sink every boat off the french coast before the sea was waist high and the c@nts would be walking back to the beach.

You wouldn't though if you were running the country, again, let's try and find a realistic and sensible solution.

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11 minutes ago, Bakerboy said:

fck the international agreements and fck the human rights conventions, fck the legal challenges and everything else thrown at us put this country and its people first and the rest can be sorted out, half of europe are changing their attitude towards the murderous raping hoards, fck them all I'd sink every boat off the french coast before the sea was waist high and the c@nts would be walking back to the beach

Sounds more straight forward than flying to Rwanda 🙂

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6 minutes ago, Leatherface said:

Like I said, a sensible approach would be to offer temporary protection to asylum seekers, not a permanent stay. 


They could implement this system tomorrow but they haven't, why is that? Because they don't give a stuff about risking immigration numbers, that's why.

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5 minutes ago, Leatherface said:

Like I said, a sensible approach would be to offer temporary protection to asylum seekers, not a permanent stay. 


2 yr maximum no exceptions no loopholes like getting married having kids and I might be open to it😁

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4 minutes ago, Bakerboy said:

2 yr maximum no exceptions no loopholes like getting married having kids and I might be open to it😁

A realistic solution would be needed and would require multiple nations to sign in agreement, that way we could work together and help combat this. For starters, copying the Chinese model instead of the Yank model of bomb the fcuk out of everywhere, which does nothing but cause instability. Our aim  for these places that hold the highest amounts of asylum seekers, would be to flourish.

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9 hours ago, chartpolski said:

I have sympathy for those who are really hard up , but to be honest , no one should be poor , cold or hungry in this country !

The benefits system makes sure of that. If I couldn’t afford to eat or keep warm, the first things that would go would be the iPhone, Sky and the telly !

Sure, people are suffering, but suffering like we were in the 50’s and 60’s ? I don’t think so.

People who obviously can’t work or take care of themselves should have a decent life provided by the tax revenues the government collects, not one penny should go to overseas aid, it should be spent at home, but let’s be honest about this , I personally know people claiming benefits for “anxiety and depression “ that have absolutely nothing wrong with them, I know lads with 4,5 kids who will openly tell you they are better off on benefits than working! 
Is the “system “ wrong or are they just lazy ? I don’t know, but something is wrong when people would rather be on benefits than work and we are importing third world people to do the work .

Im retired and comfortably well off, but I worry the direction the country is going in.

I only have my grandson to worry about, but he is well looked after by his Saudi family and is being well educated at an international school, so, it’s only your education I have to worry about ! LOL !


I have to disagree with you there mate, Third World people are being recruited because they cost less to Employ, The cost of benefits to the tax payer if you remove pensions and in work benefits from the figures that are quoted is very small. 

The other week figures were released that showed GDP per Capita was actually in decline, That is another by product of using cheap foreign labour, They fall below the tax bracket, Live in multiple shared accommodation, spend as little as possible and send the remaining money back to the Country they originate from, 

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23 minutes ago, Leatherface said:

Them dogs are in fine fettle, have you ever considered adding whippet to the mix?

i dreamt about it once then woke up went to the kennels and apologised to em lol

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7 hours ago, Leatherface said:

A realistic solution would be needed and would require multiple nations to sign in agreement, that way we could work together and help combat this. For starters, copying the Chinese model instead of the Yank model of bomb the fcuk out of everywhere, which does nothing but cause instability. Our aim  for these places that hold the highest amounts of asylum seekers, would be to flourish.

They did flourish, when we was in charge…..but they didn’t want us.

Now they want to come and exploit us because they can’t make the job work in their own places.

There is a reason Europe looks like Europe and Africa looks like Africa……

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2 minutes ago, WILF said:

They did flourish, when we was in charge…..but they didn’t want us.

Now they want to come and exploit us because they can’t make the job work in their own places.

There is a reason Europe looks like Europe and Africa looks like Africa……

We haven't necessarily colonised all the regions that these asylum seekers are coming from but that's besides the point.

It's in our best interests to push for peace and prosperity in these lands if equals less people fleeing from war, persecution and atrocious living standards.

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