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Another clown with dogs...

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If im not wrong Jaywick is officially the most deprived area in Uk.....once upon a time it was seen as cheap land for a country/coastal retreat a lot of the old Dagenham Ford workers developed it usin

A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent,personified in this case by an orrible cnut... WILF 

Theres enough members on this site, who have been breeding and peddling these liabilities...they all over other social media sites ,with their pages and pages advertising these dogs(around their own y

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55 minutes ago, Daniel cain said:

Imagine your daughter coming home with that clown...and announcing shes pregnant 🙈🔨

I think Id start questioning myself as a father if my daughter came home with a c**t like that.Be bad enough if she was young and he was a teenager but imagine if she was a grown woman and was with that c**t whos 39 ffs

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4 hours ago, Daniel cain said:

Dont be fooled Tats...theres a few well thought of members on this site,who would have us all believe they are propper dogmen...And they BEEN ALL OVER PEDDLING THESE OVERSIZE SHIT MAKING MACHINES...handing them out on tick,too the local clowns, selling £10 bags ,clad in North Face,using the dog as an extension of their little cocks....

They didn't say much on the banned xl bully thread mate 👍

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Jaywick was once used as a stand in for American slums in an election video by I believe Donald trump . in the whole of America they couldn’t find something that looks worse . 

as for the woman and the dogs , isn’t that just a snap shot of the uk in a microcosm . All its problems shown in one incident . 

things like this are exactly why there is a ban on owning these creatures . How could you be bothered with the hassle ? 

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Driving into jaywick always reminds me of one of those "wrong turn" type horror films, absolute s.hit house. A few years back, in between jobs, I was delivering white goods and TVs and such like. Delivered girt big flat screens to jaywick that I swear were worth more than the hovels I was leaving them at!.... As for them dogs, I'd tap every one of the useless fu.ckers....


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3 hours ago, YOKEL said:

Driving into jaywick always reminds me of one of those "wrong turn" type horror films, absolute s.hit house. A few years back, in between jobs, I was delivering white goods and TVs and such like. Delivered girt big flat screens to jaywick that I swear were worth more than the hovels I was leaving them at!.... As for them dogs, I'd tap every one of the useless fu.ckers....


Were you offered a gummy?

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13 minutes ago, littlefish said:

That specimen is a prime example of why this nation is in the state it is.

This Country is full of the silly little plastic cnuts,you find them in every little village and towns,not just the cities...20 yrs back,they would  of been filled in,and climbed back in their box,stuck to rapping in a f***ing mirror in their bedrooms...anyone with half a brain cell,would of told them to f**k off and wouldn't sell them a goldfish,not for any price....the people breeding and peddling these dogs,do it purely for financial gain and no anther reason than a fancy colour.. Can't have any morals at all?....lets hope their young kids they got around these liabilities,dont end up as another statistic eh👍

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