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I was given this off my shooting partener so I put it on the hw100 

I mean come on what else would I put it on lol

Mind u can tell from the off why they are so expensive build quality is second to none 

Lovely to use nice and silent when u bring the legs down 

It feels good as well not like the cheap ones I have on other rifles 

Nice and strong and well made 

Think I'll look into getting a few more for my other rifles 

Thanks Sean (vislauk) ur a star mate 

Atvbjimmy 👍👍👍






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I bought one years ago for my HW100 but the added weight plus a big scope at that time made it far too heavy and its been in a drawer ever since apart from certain trips or zeroing sessions BUT I don't think I would part with mine because it is a quality bit of kit and I may have a use for it on my hmr rifle.


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On 28/01/2024 at 12:56, FLATTOP said:

I’ve got the big 13”-27” one which is good for sitting up shooting, it's a solid bit of kit friends have bought the Chinese copies and they have just fell apart this will out live me I reckon.

Well flat top I tend to agree with you mate 

It's on my hw100 and it's staying there lol

I'll be long gone and it will still be as strong and well built 

Atvbjimmy 👍👍👍

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