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Brexit. Success? Too early to judge? Disaster?

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A bit of food insecurity would probably do a world of good for long term political sense.

In answer to the original question, no I don't think Brexit has been a success at this point. We shed a layer of politicians to give us a more democratic structure but allowed that structure to go totally rotten.

Brexit was a step in the right direction by restructuring our democracy, but we filled the positions with the most incompetent people we could find, it seems.

If we fail to put the right people in place then the restructuring will have been an act of pure self harm and therefore logically we should've stayed in.

I still think our best bet was with Bozza. At the time of his lynching, I really felt it was a wrong turn for the UK, and our political journey since hasn't made me think otherwise. Maybe he saw a storm looming and it suited him to be thrown out?

I wouldn't vote to return, but I think many would.

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20 hours ago, DIDO.1 said:

Awww we've no tomato's. Ahhh well they are out of season anyway. Stopping British farmers producing food 'for the environment' then importing it. Let's not pretend a labour government would encourage more food production..... which is obviously the only serious answer to food security 

I don't see the French or German's struggling with food security ?

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21 hours ago, kanny said:

Chat GPT says ....


```The current tomato shortage in the UK is caused by a combination of factors, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global supply chain, unusually cold weather in Spain and other Mediterranean countries where much of the UK's tomatoes are grown, and a lack of seasonal workers due to travel restrictions.```

But why has everyone else  got tomatoes ? ?,  they had Covid  bad weather etc....?

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23 minutes ago, sandymere said:

But why has everyone else  got tomatoes ? ?,  they had Covid  bad weather etc....?

Possibly because all our home growers in the South West couldn't compete with the subsidised Spanish farmers when the UK joined the common market? FFS your from that part of the UK aren't you.

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38 minutes ago, sandymere said:

I don't see the French or German's struggling with food security ?

..... and ?

Accept EU rule or starve?

Nah....if the environment is so important let's start eating seasonal and local again. Rather than Spanish tomatoes, produced with chemicals and massive amounts of water and transported across countries.

..... remember the word 'sustainable' ?

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1 hour ago, DIDO.1 said:

..... and ?

Accept EU rule or starve?

Nah....if the environment is so important let's start eating seasonal and local again. Rather than Spanish tomatoes, produced with chemicals and massive amounts of water and transported across countries.

..... remember the word 'sustainable' ?

Removing all the illegal immigrants back to where they came from would be a start in becoming sustainable, Stopping migration until we can get a grip on the problems we have from food to housing shortages. would also be a step towards us becoming sustainable. Not spending billions on HS2 so a businessman can get from London to the north half an hour quicker would be a step to us becoming more sustainable, I could go on but i know you can add the rest to this list with out me getting finger ache typing anymore Lol. 

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2 hours ago, DIDO.1 said:

..... and ?

Accept EU rule or starve?

Nah....if the environment is so important let's start eating seasonal and local again. Rather than Spanish tomatoes, produced with chemicals and massive amounts of water and transported across countries.

..... remember the word 'sustainable' ?

Pretty much anyone could grow some tomatoes... could do it in a window box if you haven't got a garden... you'd have to eat in season...but that's Ok isn't it?

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