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Unsporting shot

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The  Sun that's appeared for the last couple of days seems to have brought the foxes out during the day in my area . No doubt the the thawing fields have made grubbing about a bit easier for them than it's  been for a couple of weeks . Though some seem  simply content to bask in the warmth .

I shouldn't  have been surprised when just as l thought l might have an early finish this afternoon l had a call from a customer.

She's a lady in her nineties who despite using a walking- aid still maintains a bit of a smallholding. 

It wasn't that long ago that she shot her own foxes -usually from her bedroom window-but in recent years that job's fallen to me .

Anyway she had a fox disturbing the peaceful incarceration of her quarantined hens . It had been trying to get them all day and clearly realised that the old lady wasn't  a threat. She'd been out waving a stick and calling it rude names a few times but the fox had snuck off only to return  by the time she'd hobbled back indoors.

When l arrived though it was to be met with the apologetic news that the offender had seemingly finally disappeared .

"Well ",l said,"l'm here now. I'll have a look around."

In the past l've found that her shanty town of woodsheds and outbuildings provided popular hideouts.  Loading the BRNO and  channeling what l like to think of as my best Hiawatha  mode (but probably bearing more of a resemblance to an armed chimp)  l started towards them . Rounding a corner l found the fox . It was in the open about thirty yards away : fast asleep with its  tail over its nose . 

Ever the sportsman, l squeaked to wake it up......Did l Hell!






Edited by comanche
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1 hour ago, Sausagedog said:

On a side note, when you say you've taken over from the old lady shooting from her bedroom window, you don't mean you are now in her bedroom do you?

That just wouldn't be right now would it ?

Good Lord no , her reputation would be ruined .


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Not quite Groundhog Day : this one was awake .20230123_141014.jpg.388c78d8e0886022d47f015e6f314416.jpg

As per instructions it joined its friend in the compost trench . Either the client is going to have the best vegetables in the County or a Steven King style plague of zombie foxes .

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3 hours ago, foxdropper said:

Not quite sure on the compost thing but good going mate

3 hours ago, Sausagedog said:

Ahem.....from the err bedroom window??


Foxdropper l dare not ask what else is buried there . Especially as she is a widow!

Sausagedog : nooooo?




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