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Going digital

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Apparently from next year all tax returns need to be digital. I keep all my invoices in one file, reciepts in another....then give it all to my accountant and he does my tax return. As I understand it I now need to do everything myself online, all my book keeping needs to be an electronic copy. 

Now I actually think this sounds a brilliant idea, I need to update how I do everything anyway. I want a system where when I've done a pest control visit I do a report electronically on a tablet or something and send it immediately. I used to do paper copies and clip into a site file but so many customers and agents want an online report. 

Once this new system is up and running does that mean accountants will loose loads of work? Certainly sounds like it, the new system tells you how much you owe as you go along so it does all sound interesting. Don't really want to be paying monthly subscriptions for software though...i hate paying monthly, would rather just pay upfront. £25 a month some book keeping software, that's 300 a year, I only pay my accountant that....don't really want to be paying 600 before I even start on the tax. Suppose its not bad if I et to completely do away with the accountant. 

I also need a decent invoicing system, I'm posting em and scanning and emailing at the minute which is proper amateur when dealing with big companies. I'd like it all on one tablet if possible.....few clicks on site and jobs sorted. 

Any ideas? 


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1 hour ago, Ken's Deputy said:

Dido .....



59 minutes ago, DIDO.1 said:


It's out of my hands now! 

Without knowing the context this exchange would be sounding dodgy as feck :laugh: :laugh:

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French tax returns have had to be submitted digitally for about three years now. It causes so much stress trying to navigate the website the comments on social media are hilarious. We save the forms as pdf files. That however is no help when completing each year's submission as they change things for no reason every year. It is thought and suggested that they do this to raise the level of fine levied for late and incorrect submissions. 

I got fined for a late submission on my busjness account despite my sending a cheque to the department tax office after they said they couldn't take a direct debit due to a fault on my part. They cashed the cheque then took the same amount by direct debit despite saying they couldn't, and fined me forty euros for good measure  ?

I got the tax credited against the next quarter but they wouldn't refund the fine.

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Xero mate, does the lot and you can pay for what you need only..

Sage is a big package, needs good book keeping skills to use it, we used it previously (everything done by accounts though, no way I could use it lol)

I need an accountant though as limited company, pay roll etc, but could be just end of year filing if you are a sole trader...you can photograph receipts, invoices etc and they upload straight to the app..  my sister in law is our bookkeeper and still does all my invoicing, weekly accounts etc.. but I can use the bits I need on Xero....


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I just went on the books, think at the right time in my life £130 to fill up the van not my problem stone through the windscreen not my problem etc etc, the system is designed to make you fall foul so they can stack the penalty’s up, or spend two days trying to talk to someone on the phone, most of the benefits of self employment have been eroded over the last few years mainly the cash situation, it’s now easier to play the system from within than staying on the outside ?

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I wasn't happy about going digital but had no choice due to VAT rules. I now use Quickfile which is free if you don't have too many entries. I have to admit that once you get the hang of it, it's far better than manual bookkeeping. You can see straight away what is owed and what your profit is.

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