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Any help would be appreciated please

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Hello, new here!

was seeking some advice, we have got a 7 month old bedlington whippet and we’re having abit it of trouble teaching him that he can’t be as reactive too other dogs on lead/off lead (not nasty in any shape of form) but the barking is horrendous.

If anyone could help/advice please would be much appreciated as we are at whits end. We can’t even take him too busy dog walking spots as he’s gets that worked up he nearly strangling his self on lead.

thank you in advance 

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If it was me , I would keep him away from busy dog populated areas for the time being ,try and befriend someone with an older calm bullet proof dog and meet and greet on a one to one , if pup starts playing up , end the meeting and walk away, distract with treats or squeaky toy , tuggy… what ever gets his attention most . If you can’t find an older dog , the; try and find somewhere with less dogs and keep a distance away from any dogs but keep them in sight …. On lead dogs only …… distract before your pup sees the other dog , again treats ( not normal really smelly special treats just for walks ) or toys etc ….. keep the dog focused on you , not the other dog . If he responds to that gradually  move to lessen  the distance between dogs when you walk still keeping his attention , when he’s not that bothered then try introducing, if he plays up walk away , try again a few mins later , if he starts , repeat walk away … if he gets too much or keeps playing up then leave completely and try another day or on next walk …. He should get to click that only when he’s calm can he meet and greet … also he’s at that age where he will only listen when he wants he’s an unruly teen at the moment , stick with it and he should calm down with time and persistence…. Others may disagree, that’s just the way I deal with pups playing up … good luck 

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Do any family members have dogs or friends with a dog ,if so introduce your pup to one of them and then walk them together with you holding lead of your dog and friend/family with other dog .

I try letting pups be around other dogs as much as possible to get them used to it ,you may find it's all bark and nothing else and he just wants to play and over excited, definitely try taking him out with older dog and once walking OK let them free run in a place that's safe todo so .

Like been said loads of videos on line to help ,

Good luck 

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Those buying pups should be willing on training from young age and socialising pup with other dogs as soon as they able to go out on lead ,it's seven months ffs and getting passed on for barking and pulling on lead ,let it off lead I bet it roll over, 

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Find that with hunters in genreal now days one minute there into lurchers or terriers most of them go back to football or some other shit theyd be better keeping goldfish cause its mostly these 2 year wonders wreck the sport for everyone else cause they dont have a clue and dont care ....hopefully we dog goes to someone who will show it a bit of work 

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