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Using lurchers for other jobs?

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Hi Levigsp,.. yes, I like to use a lurcher for as many different tasks, as I can,...possibly I am just a bit mean, and want my money's worth?    

Yes but only on command. She'll sit under a high seat and watch deer for hours but if we are tracking a wounded one and it gets up in front of us I can ask her to pull it. The indicating is the best b

?Never thought I would say it,. or even think in such a way,...but nowadays, I don't really care, if a dog is good at the job or not. Financially, my status has changed a bit,...not drastically,

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1 minute ago, OldPhil said:

Just got sent this, by a keen coursing enthusiast.... 

Six Months for a poxy Hare.....

Whatever is the world coming to...?

Was aways going to end up like this, the unsavoury characters that came into coursing have made it so, driving the land, no respect for hare or dog for that matter, very sad.

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Two things - 1, all they ever talk about is lamping out of a motor and call it hare coursing.


2 - but I can still go out in brewing season and gut shoot as many as I like with a shotgun ? Or fly my bird at it so it stabs it do death in the guts? 



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1 hour ago, SheepChaser said:

Two things - 1, all they ever talk about is lamping out of a motor and call it hare coursing.


2 - but I can still go out in brewing season and gut shoot as many as I like with a shotgun ? Or fly my bird at it so it stabs it do death in the guts? 



Nuts init

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6 hours ago, jukel123 said:

Had an old long netting partner whose collie lurcher was used for several unusual jobs. He was the only dog I've ever seen that would hunt rabbits at night, drive them into the long net, not touch them, and then go searching for more. He could jump hedges like a horse. Lots of dogs will jump fences and gates, not so many can work out hedges.

His really unusual job was to act as a spittoon though. Eddie, my mate, smoked a pipe and when indoors, (including the pub) he would spit the contents of his gob onto the dog's back. The dog didn't seem to mind. When it came to its favourite area of grass it would roll on its back to get rid of the irritation. The pipe used to bother me because he was forever lighting it at night with an old petrol lighter which was like a f****n flame thrower. It lit up the countryside for miles. I was forever moaning about it and he was forever telling me I worried too much. Eddie's lurcher could retrieve birds shot at night. Really useful when they dropped into tangled undergrowth or were runners.

A spittoon... Best second job on this thread so far ? 

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1 hour ago, New moon said:

Was aways going to end up like this, the unsavoury characters that came into coursing have made it so, driving the land, no respect for hare or dog for that matter, very sad.

They are trying there best over here too it filed the last time But its coming I would say I don't care ill still hunt on lads fishing will be next then shooting till there's nothing left 

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2 minutes ago, Ferretman65 said:

They are trying there best over here too it filed the last time But its coming I would say I don't care ill still hunt on lads fishing will be next then shooting till there's nothing left 

LACS have already targeted fishermen in the UK, the noose is slowly tightening sadly. 

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2 hours ago, OldPhil said:

Just got sent this, by a keen coursing enthusiast.... 

Six Months for a poxy Hare.....

Whatever is the world coming to...?

Its a joke five month for hare coursing. When you can shot them or buid houses all over the land they live on.

Watched a programme about how five lads kicked and stamped on two twenty year olds that much that the girl died, 3 got 14-15 year and 2 got 4-5 , one a year later got a year knocked off

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