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Chris fudgepacker

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Wilf you seem to be making a lot of excuses for people’s actions recently, I’m of the thinking that if something doesn’t effect me or my family why should I try to ban it. Vegans, anti hunt, gays, tra

Worked for a nice lady last week...didn't get diagnosed until she was 38 yr old... sitting and listening to her experiences growing up and how she felt touched a nerve if I'm honest...the more people

Aspergers and acdc rsturbo club membership doesnt excuse ignorance, lies and ruining peoples lives with a twisted agendas, nor shagging animals whilst on drugs, hes a fecking animal molester who knows

Now, full disclosure, I used to loathe Chris Packham…….however, I have since discovered he has Asperger’s and by chance watched a documentary last night he presented about his Asperger’s and autism in general.

Having an 8 year old who is autistic and can’t even play a little game of football because he just can’t deal with crowds and noise and instructions, who is as matter of fact as f**k about stuff and only really interested in “his” thing made me realise why Packham is like he is.

Id say watch “Asperger’s & Me” and you won’t judge the bloke as harshly ?

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Wilf you seem to be making a lot of excuses for people’s actions recently, I’m of the thinking that if something doesn’t effect me or my family why should I try to ban it. Vegans, anti hunt, gays, trannys, packhams don’t bother me until they start ramming thier agenda down ya gullet.Asperger or not don’t ruin people’s incomes or traditions that’s not right

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13 minutes ago, Qbgrey said:

Wilf you seem to be making a lot of excuses for people’s actions recently, I’m of the thinking that if something doesn’t effect me or my family why should I try to ban it. Vegans, anti hunt, gays, trannys, packhams don’t bother me until they start ramming thier agenda down ya gullet.Asperger or not don’t ruin people’s incomes or traditions that’s not right

What do you mean making excuses ?……what, because I am actually thinking about stuff ?

I absolutely hated Chris Packham but I didn’t know then that he has a condition that I have a personal understanding of, one that can’t be seen.

Im not saying anyone has to agree with the bloke and I certainly don’t.

What I’m saying is that you wouldn’t judge him as harshly or condone his home being attacked if you understood.

I’m just an ordinary oik off the plot with no formal education but there is no rule says I have to walk round being thick as shit all the time ?

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29 minutes ago, Qbgrey said:

Wilf you seem to be making a lot of excuses for people’s actions recently, I’m of the thinking that if something doesn’t effect me or my family why should I try to ban it. Vegans, anti hunt, gays, trannys, packhams don’t bother me until they start ramming thier agenda down ya gullet.Asperger or not don’t ruin people’s incomes or traditions that’s not right

Someone with autism doesn't see two sides to a argument only there own view and they don't admit there in the wrong obgrey 

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Agree to that wilf, I make my own decisions in life like you, also I had no school education as such but I believe that makes very industrious and a go get what you can attitude, sorry my English is bollox and I can’t really explain stuff correctly threw typing. But if packham want to start upsetting people he will have Agro back right or wrong

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1 minute ago, Blackmag said:

Someone with autism doesn't see two sides to a argument only there own view and they don't admit there in the wrong obgrey 

You know yourself mate, if they hold a belief there is no wrong.

Its that and nothing else, the documentary last night explains clearly why his “thing” is animals.

He couldn’t deal with people growing up (you know how that works) so animals were what he connected with.

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1 minute ago, WILF said:

You know yourself mate, if they hold a belief there is no wrong.

Its that and nothing else, the documentary last night explains clearly why his “thing” is animals.

He couldn’t deal with people growing up (you know how that works) so animals were what he connected with.

When I get a min I will take a peek

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1 minute ago, WILF said:

You know yourself mate, if they hold a belief there is no wrong.

Its that and nothing else, the documentary last night explains clearly why his “thing” is animals.

He couldn’t deal with people growing up (you know how that works) so animals were what he connected with.

All the more reason to dislike the twat as he has caused more harm to wildlife than he has helped.

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There are different levels of autism and or Asbergers . Anne Hegerty on the chase is autistic. She just felt that she was different and so she got herself diagnosed. It hasn’t stopped her achieving things . She may also appear normal to anyone she meets . 
              We now have to label people with diagnosis, oh he has ADHD , whereas in my day a kid like that was just a naughty boy . Packem has some minor personality quirks and has publicly said he is autistic, well he may be on the spectrum, but it’s not limited the amount he has been able to achieve. We had kids like him when I was at school, who couldn’t communicate or make friends, they would sulk at the edge of the playground because no one wanted to play with them and kick stones with there hands in their pockets…… we called them “stone kickers “. Chris Packem is just a spoilt stone kicker , who doesn’t like it when people have different ideas to his . Nothing more , nothing less .


Edited by shovel leaner
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10 minutes ago, hambone said:

If Chris Packam's "thing" is animals then you would think that he would be looking at what's best for ALL animals. He doesn't, just another anti field sports celeb. pursuing his own agenda.

As Blackmag pointed out, it’s doesn’t work like that ?

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