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Running Hobs and Jills in together??

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I've kept ferrets for around 20 years and always ket my hobs a jills seperate. I now want to reorganise their runs and put them next to eachother and was thinking of just joining the two runs. I have 4 jills and 3 hobs. The hobs are 1 vasectomised and two neutered so I would expect the vasectomised hob to serve the jills as and when in spring. 

Or will this just cause agro fighting or constant harrasment of the jills?

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I run my snipped hob with 8 jills all year round no problem apart from a small sandy jill he mates all the time and can mark her . My complete hob is with 4 young jills and he comes into season before them tries to mate them thats when i remove him for the summer 

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I have 7 hobs that have being cut and two jills in the same pen never had a problem just put them together and crept an eye on them. I did early days had problems introducing new ferrets together fighting kept a close eye on it and before I put them together full time swap their bedding around or even swap the ferrets around in the cages. I did have a few problems with them fighting but over time after putting them together for a few hours a day they soon become one big happy family. I only take my Jills out when they come into season and have their young. I am not a fan on having the two jills together as they are not related and they are bread with different hobs to not get the lines mixed up. 

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I lost a few of my old ferrets this summer no shock as most where into double figures or just getting there  including my snipped hob . i am trying to get 4 albino jills and a hob or BEW's i prefer the lighter couloirs as there easier to see but the prices £20/£30 a Albino and £40/£50 a BEW a mates asking a mate about BEW's but it means a 4 hour drive each way but needs must .Or im thinking about going down the all hob route but getting them castrated ?  . Ive a complete hob and 3 ,2 year old jills and 3 old jills  left but it wont be enough to work some of the big warrens  on 2/3 permissions  so this seasons going to be fun . Then next year breed replacements but i would need hutches for the jills and kits ? need to put the serious head on and do some hard thinking 

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