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Saying white lives matter....

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Stiff, how interesting you should say that! 'A little bird' announced, a day or two ago, that we Should Not send Anything to Any such appeals!

Bird said that an announcement would be released - I think it was - this coming weekend? Then we'd have a secure and proper place to do as we see fit.


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Who tuned into football this week ?....... I bet thousands.....hundreds of thousands, millions even......and every single one knew that the premier league were going to do all that crawl on your

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Going to write same on my truck back see what happens .Cant be right that BLM is ok but WLM is illegal .Going to test that myself .We are a nation of f***ing cowards ,getting trod into oblivion .

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12 hours ago, Blackmag said:

He's not wrong though dido as you know . folk need just drive round Burnley Blackburn Preston ect .he's right they turn theses areas in to shit holes and no nothing gets said because of the race card .and  they don't want integration never had they bring there backward ideology with them 

That would soon change if they put up a few HMOs in Whitehall and Westminster and stuck the next 6 months worth of boat migrants in them.


Those in power don't have to live in the shit holes that they create so, appeasement comes easy to them.

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“We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, law-breaking, withholding and concealing truth. … We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us” – Vladimir Lenin

That quote from the Soviet Union’s first leader captures the entire essence of the Left’s strategy. No matter what the issue, no matter what the facts, the Left advances a relentless, hate-filled narrative that America is irredeemably evil and must be destroyed as soon as possible. The BLM movement is only the latest, but perhaps most dangerous variant on this subversive theme.       Found this to digest 

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4 hours ago, W. Katchum said:

Gingers (who typically prefer the term ‘carrot people’) are being warned to stay indoors at all times.

‘That doesn’t just go for summer. We’re sick of looking at them,’ confirmed Dr. Raven.


Made my fcuking day reading that? think I’ll subscribe to the daily squat ??

So rude

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Communists use language and psychology as a weapon. Their constant vilification of enemies is a form of psychological warfare. It puts America and Americans on trial. The verdict is always guilty. Facts don’t matter because the Left does not want to resolve the problems they complain about. They use those problems to agitate and provoke, hoping conflict becomes unavoidable and thereby creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Their hatred is tactical.

Obama’s favorite Harvard professor, Derrick Bell, devised Critical Race Theory, which exemplifies Lenin’s strategy as applied to race. According to Discover the Networks:

Critical race theory contends that America is permanently racist to its core, and that consequently the nation’s legal structures are, by definition, racist and invalid … members of “oppressed” racial groups are entitled—in fact obligated—to determine for themselves which laws and traditions have merit and are worth observing. …
Bell’s theory is in turn an innovation of Critical Theory, which was developed by Marxist thinkers of the Frankfurt School who were affiliated with the Institute for Social Research, founded in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1923. The Institute’s left-wing scholars were mostly Jewish and fled Hitler’s Germany in the 1930s, relocating to Columbia University’s Teachers College in New York. Critical Theory, which discredits all aspects of Western society, rapidly infected the minds of newly minted college professors, who then spread its poison throughout the Education system of the USA 

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The Black Lives Matter movement carries this narrative to unprecedented heights, claiming that only whites can be racists. (“The Result of Victimhood and Lies: Great Evil,” by Dennis Prager, National Review Online, Sept. 1, 2015.) And while justifying violence to achieve “social justice,” the movement’s goal is to overthrow our society to replace it with a Marxist one. Many members of the black community would be shocked to learn that the intellectual godfathers of this movement are mostly white Communists, “queers,” and leftist Democrats, intent on making blacks cannon fodder, the shock troops of the coming revolution.      All aided by Soros in part apparently 

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Plenty of Info on the net inc dark money donations  and who takes what and who receives what  interesting it is  , can see the result of yrs of educating has been wasted = hate filled kids hell bent on distraction  not sure how this will pan out it’s troubling to see the overtake of decency common sense and values taken over by radicals yrs of one sided bias media has taken its toll on the modern world  respect of the past and what all our elders of all races endured are being belittled by fkn scumbags I don’t see colour in all this I see limp wristed leftie politicians  and agitators  hell bent on destruction and Marxism  

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11 hours ago, maxhardcore said:

bet you though double decker bus on the moon was kosher

No worst than that max. I  stupidly thought mackems  were different gravy till I heard rodwell then there owners and now there star  striker say they were toxic fair weather fans that need a reality check. but what really capped it was Joey Barton saying how delusional you really  were ? I told you when moyses walked out you were fecked and I was right ? whilst you get some washed up donkey from non league  past his sell by date the toon will be after Europe's elite .bitter pill isn't max the toon multi billionaires whilst you lot can't afford to fix a lift ? 

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Not read all this thread and this point may have been made but this BLM movement will have caused more racism between whites and blacks than anything since the 60’s is my guess and done more to damage to the progress that has been made in equality than any far right hate group ever have. Normal ordinary good people that never considered judging people by the colour of their skin are being made out to be racist and guilt tripped simply for being white! It’s madness and causes resentment and anger that simply wasn’t there before. The more anyone goes on about being victimised the more it becomes true, keep talking about racism enough and you won’t cure it you will create it by putting massive chips on young black shoulders, making them entitled and less likely to work hard and contribute to society. It’s vicious cycle that won’t end until the media and the left stop all this bullshit. 

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